Speaking of batteries, Interstate was made by Johnson Controls. At least for a while. I don't know if the manufacturer changed. Maybe it was just the Interstate Megatron. It has been a while.
Vibration resistant is how all batteries are made. So that isn't saying anything. Otherwise they would die the first time you drove down a road with poholes or bumps. And they shouldn't spill, unless you have an electrical problem, or don't have caps and the battery is mounted sideways or something.
Sears considered having the Optima battery be the main battery, aka the Die Hard after the Exide debacle of the 90's. They rejected it after testing. It is hard to be worse than Exide was, but they were. No durability, and weak CCA's.
71 or 100 milliamps is too high.
50 milliamps is too high. For future refrence.
Page 6 of 18, I almost forgot. Good luck. Finding parasitic draw can be easy. Do you know the simple steps to isolate the circuit? Follow 3P's check first.