Since I bought my car, it will have a dead battery after sitting for a week. I've since swapped the red-top battery to an Optima yellow-top, changed the alarm, stereo, amps, and a few gauges with no change in the problem. The battery seems to charge fine when driving, I have an aftermarket 130amp alternator that puts out 14v or so.
If I pull off the battery terminal, and measure the current draw, it reads about 112ma. Is this enough current to drain a big deep cycle battery in a week? I traced the most current draw to the AM2 circuit drawing 78ma. Just wondering if I should keep searching, or if there is another problem I haven't thought of?
If I pull off the battery terminal, and measure the current draw, it reads about 112ma. Is this enough current to drain a big deep cycle battery in a week? I traced the most current draw to the AM2 circuit drawing 78ma. Just wondering if I should keep searching, or if there is another problem I haven't thought of?