What’s all this folding business about? Proteins fold (it’s what they do), and when they mis-fold it causes all sorts of nasty diseases; Cancer, Alzheimers, Huntingtons, Osteogenesis, Parkinsons, etc etc.
Calculating Protein folding helps resreachers to understand how the process went wrong, and how it can be fixed. But it’s very calculation intensive. What researchers at Stanford did, was wrote a program that distributes the calculation load to many computers. This is where you come in. You install the client, and your computer will work on a little bit of the calculation then upload the results to Stanford. In essence all of our computer combined make up several supercomputers working on curing Cancer.
What’s the great thing about the Folding at Home software? It only uses CPU clock cycles that your computer isn’t using at the time. That means you will never notice it because it isn’t actively running while you are using your computer.
So how do you jump on board? Just download the client http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html , put in your name and the team you’re folding for (our Supra team is 43596) and then you’re done. It’s as simple as that.
Check out the progress that F@H (folding at home) has brought about: http://folding.stanford.edu/papers.html Over 40 breakthroughs directly attributed to the F@H project.
How is the Folding Supra's team doing? Click on this link to see the chart, and to see who all on Supraforums and Supramania are already folding: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=43596
Specific Clients, more information, etc
Multi-Core Client: If you have a dual or quad core CPU, you can run the new SMP (symetric multi processing) client. This version utilizes both or all four of your cores at once. It is a massive point producer. With this client on my core 2 duo rigs, I'm pulling in over a thousand points a day since getting it running.
SMP FAQ at Stanford: http://folding.stanford.edu/FAQ-SMP.html
SMP Client Download: http://www.stanford.edu/~kasson/folding/Folding@Home Windows SMP Client.EXE
Playstation 3 Client: If you've got a PS3 Client you can join the folding too. As of system update 1.6 on your PS3 you will be able to fold. There will be a little icon for the folding that you can click to download and install the folding client. Then it's as simple as putting in your name and our team number and you're good to go. The client will in no way interfere with your gaming.
PS3 FAQ at Stanford: http://folding.stanford.edu/FAQ-PS3.html
Video Card Client: If you thought the SMP and PS3 clients were points monsters, this one is the biggest baddest one out there. If you have a ATI x1600 card or greater you can run this client. Though Stanfords recommends x1900 and above.
GPU FAQ at Standford: http://folding.stanford.edu/FAQ-ATI.html
GPU Client Download: http://folding.stanford.edu/release/FAH5.91beta4-GPU.zip
GPU Client Download for multiple GPUS (if you're running a crossfire setup): http://folding.stanford.edu/release/FAH5.91beta3-console.exe
Calculating Protein folding helps resreachers to understand how the process went wrong, and how it can be fixed. But it’s very calculation intensive. What researchers at Stanford did, was wrote a program that distributes the calculation load to many computers. This is where you come in. You install the client, and your computer will work on a little bit of the calculation then upload the results to Stanford. In essence all of our computer combined make up several supercomputers working on curing Cancer.
What’s the great thing about the Folding at Home software? It only uses CPU clock cycles that your computer isn’t using at the time. That means you will never notice it because it isn’t actively running while you are using your computer.
So how do you jump on board? Just download the client http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html , put in your name and the team you’re folding for (our Supra team is 43596) and then you’re done. It’s as simple as that.
Check out the progress that F@H (folding at home) has brought about: http://folding.stanford.edu/papers.html Over 40 breakthroughs directly attributed to the F@H project.
How is the Folding Supra's team doing? Click on this link to see the chart, and to see who all on Supraforums and Supramania are already folding: http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/team_summary.php?s=&t=43596
Specific Clients, more information, etc
Multi-Core Client: If you have a dual or quad core CPU, you can run the new SMP (symetric multi processing) client. This version utilizes both or all four of your cores at once. It is a massive point producer. With this client on my core 2 duo rigs, I'm pulling in over a thousand points a day since getting it running.
SMP FAQ at Stanford: http://folding.stanford.edu/FAQ-SMP.html
SMP Client Download: http://www.stanford.edu/~kasson/folding/Folding@Home Windows SMP Client.EXE
Playstation 3 Client: If you've got a PS3 Client you can join the folding too. As of system update 1.6 on your PS3 you will be able to fold. There will be a little icon for the folding that you can click to download and install the folding client. Then it's as simple as putting in your name and our team number and you're good to go. The client will in no way interfere with your gaming.
PS3 FAQ at Stanford: http://folding.stanford.edu/FAQ-PS3.html
Video Card Client: If you thought the SMP and PS3 clients were points monsters, this one is the biggest baddest one out there. If you have a ATI x1600 card or greater you can run this client. Though Stanfords recommends x1900 and above.
GPU FAQ at Standford: http://folding.stanford.edu/FAQ-ATI.html
GPU Client Download: http://folding.stanford.edu/release/FAH5.91beta4-GPU.zip
GPU Client Download for multiple GPUS (if you're running a crossfire setup): http://folding.stanford.edu/release/FAH5.91beta3-console.exe
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