O.k. back to the issue. I've done a few tests. So, if i allways start the car with the heater switch on cold position, there's no flushing sound. Also, no flushing sound driving with the switch on cold position. If i start the car with the heater switch on hot, flushing is present. Flushing also is well heard while driving with heat on. If i'm driving on cold position and switch to heat, flushing occurs again. Also, today at a light, with the heat on, i heard a new sound behind the flushing sound. It sounds something like... Well, if you take a balloon and start letting the air out very slowly. The sound is something like that. It's coming from the vents or from the heater. Well, somewhere from the dash. Another thing i noticed is, that when i'm driving without using the heater, coolant loss is much smaller than with the heat on. There's no coolant dripping from under the car. Also, there's no coolant inside the car on the floor. So, i'm a bit confused...