Hello, I am New


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Rolla, Mo
Hello All,

I just bought an 89. Don't know much at all about these cars. I have always liked them and I love forced injection so I went ahead and bought one to play with. This might become my sons first car when he turns 16 next year, if I don't decide I like it better then my other daily driver.
I have a 98 Buick Regal GS supercharged daily driver, 06 Dodge Cummins tow rig, just sold my 94 Dodge Cummins, and MY car is a 86 Buick Grand National.
I have had to GN run a 11.6 at 121 MPH just last year. Blew a head gasket and she is in parts in the garage waiting to get put back together again.

Anyways I look forward to learning alot about these car and joining this community.

oh here is a link to the car I bought, wish me well.
eBay Motors: Toyota : Supra (item 300209622444 end time Mar-28-08 09:57:34 PDT)


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
Good job... let your son drive mom's car for a while... personally i'd have spent the money on the G.N. - i love those cars!


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
Rolla, Mo
Heatmiser;975174 said:
Good job... let your son drive mom's car for a while... personally i'd have spent the money on the G.N. - i love those cars!

I have got so much money in the GN it is not funny. Everything on the car has been upgraded at least once. Next upgrade will have to be turbo, again, with headers and bigger injectors. That is gonna cost a bunch more than this Supra did. Also I keep asking my self how fast is fast enough? I have gone 11.62 at 121 MPH, faster than 11.5 and I would have to cage it, and that ain't happening.

And as far as my son driving it, that was the excuse I used for the wife so I could get the car. He might be allowed to drive it when he turn 16 in July 09


The Juggernaut has my old

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Congrats on the Supra buy and welcome to Supramania!

If you're familiar with HG's popping in your GN, you'll fit right into this community. ;)

(Only kidding)...But it is something most common with these cars with the low torque spec rating on the head from the factory. Take care of the car and replace things that need replaced, and you'll be just fine. :)

I think I can speak for most here when I say GN's are amazing cars. :love: Love them!

Good luck with the Supra and hope it treats you and your son well. :)



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
WELCOME to the 3E5 club! You must be sworn into the Blue Supras haters club, and you will be set. Congrats on a great purchase. Your car has the prerequisite metal head gasket and ARP studs to be ready to throw wahtever you want at it. This site is where you want to be, don't bother with that other supra site, there is NO comparison.

Now, onto the other issue you mentioned. You may not want to start your 16 yr old off in a Turbo Supra. I am a father of a 17 year old male myself, and I can tell you, you'll need to exclude him on that car and the Grand National on your insurance unless you have a money tree in full bloom

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
suprarcr89;975264 said:
boost lee this one has a metal headgasket w/arp's so he shouldnt have a problem with the hg...

Oh, I know. I said I was only kidding. ;)

I really like the car, a lot. Sorry you had to get rid of it, by the way...but it does appear to be in good hands. :)



The Juggernaut has my old
Boost Lee;975388 said:
Oh, I know. I said I was only kidding. ;)

I really like the car, a lot. Sorry you had to get rid of it, by the way...but it does appear to be in good hands. :)


I know... Yeah im glad it ended up in good hands instead of someone who would just rag it out.... way to nice of a supra to end up ragged out...


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
i'm glad it's not in california or I would have freaked out a bit for missing it.

glad to see it went to a new member on here! :) nice car.