Heater Core Bypass

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May 4, 2008
Bohemian Grove, CA
ILikeCarsYesIDo;1013858 said:
Your inability to use a basic and simple internet forum makes me side with JJ on your abilities to work on any sort of automobile.

do you seriously have to use a hundred quotation marks for ONE QUOTE?

i am on 4 car forums...none are the same i just figured out how to qoute on this forum software.

i did the block/head swap myself...i got pictures if we need to post up our ability level

good internet skills=good automobile ability.....that is your logic.....

i doubt you can find anyone on this forum, who will say that the heater core byapss is a good idea....

i have to go to japan, find the company ABFLUG, and ask if a heater core bypass for a 7m is a good idea....then maybe i will hear someone say yes to the heater core bypass being a good idea.


i'm trying to help people keep there supras.....i noticed a few with no coolant...just trying to pass some info on the internet someone can go longer than 60k after a rebuild or keep there OEM runnin...

companies sell the bypass equiment, other people had custom setups differnet than mine on high-hp MK3's, i just took the intiative on my new engine to keep it as kool as possiblem, especially during those 7m summers.....I am not doing anything new, i am just trying to figure out the best way to do the bypass as i do heavy load in the hills, on the highways, in the summer.....in a 7m.....

"""""but some like it hot"""""""

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Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
hey chump....OEM toyota thermostats already have a bleed hole in them...its common knowledge to cut the giggle valve off....your not telling anything new here!

AND so fucking what you have gotten a supra to 200 thousand miles with no problems...guess what...many people here have also....and for the ones that didnt make it and are used to rebuilding cars....THEY KNOW WTF THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT...your just some noob who never got his hands dirty....your car has been good to you so your still brain dead...wait till the supra starts to fail and your up shit creek....

majority of this forum has forgotten more then you will ever know.....that is a given...that was a dead give away with your getto rigged heater bypass!

you fail!!!!


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
COS - You really need to take a valium, or a 7M won't be the only thing that blows a head gasket here ;)

I was going to write a very long winded post on why 75% of what you posted is BS...instead I'm going to post a couple pics out of a 1989 Mk III manual. If the rest of what you say is as accurate as:

CustomOHioSupra;1013747 said:
3. hate to rain on your parade, but read your owners manual again, i will help you find the page, i have a 1989.

it will read: to fill coolant:

fill on a hill with A.C. on and heater full blast allow to warm

Then you have a small credibility problem...I think you pull crap out of the air to fit your (incorrect) view of how things work on this car. Note: My 1989 Owners manual (pages 175 & 176) make no mention of "fill on a hill with A.C. on and heater full blast allow to warm"...in fact, step 1a states "park the vehicle on a level spot..."

Now I suppose you're going to come back and try to tell me that your Owners Manual is different...I'll use your tactic...PROVE IT.
This alone does prove one thing...you are in fact full of the BS you like to spout.

I could rip apart the majority of what you had to say, but it will do no good. For the benefit of those that read your long winded, innuendo filled line of BS:
1) The majority of the BHGs you see are due to inadequate factory torque on the head bolts and/or turning the boost up to the point where detonation occurs. All an overheat does is make it worse, and not for the reasons you stated.
2) The EGR cooler has nothing to do with it. There is a huge coolant passage behind the EGR cooler...if you knew as much about this motor as you say, you would know that.
3) You're trying to tell me radiant heat from the EGR valve is going to heat coolant up through a rubber heater hose? This alone tells me you don't know squat about material thermal transfer.

There's one another thing I'm not going to let pass. JJ has more knowledge about this car in his little finger than the entire (apparent) capacity of your brain. His car is basically stock and is one of the most well maintained Mk III's you will ever see. He has credibility here and you attacking that credibility with snide remarks demonstrates your "mob mentality logic". I'm going to warn you...take it elsewhere...SF would be appropriate.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
So let me get this straight, based on the informative pictures I need to install a hose that dumps the coolant out the side of the engine bay onto the ground and this will solve the chronic cooling problems with the 7M, and for extra reliability add ten cheap worm clamps and a plastic prestone flush kit.

I'll admit I'm a noob since I've only had my 1990 (bought new) for 18 years compared to your much longer 19 years, but my car has exactly overheated nil times, and I live in LA which is of course known for its cold summer temperatures, light traffic, and flat terrain.

JDUB nice post! :biglaugh:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
3p141592654;1014103 said:
So let me get this straight, based on the informative pictures I need to install a hose that dumps the coolant out the side of the engine bay onto the ground and this will solve the chronic cooling problems with the 7M, and for extra reliability add ten cheap worm clamps and a plastic prestone flush kit.

I'll admit I'm a noob since I've only had my 1990 (bought new) for 18 years compared to your much longer 19 years, but my car has exactly overheated nil times, and I live in LA which is of course known for its cold summer temperatures, light traffic, and flat terrain.

I'm in Georgia, it gets cold in the summers here too. Flat as Florida as well. They only call them the Blue Ridge Mountains to fuck with foreigners...

I've never had the described problems (nor performed the aforementioned hack job mod), I'm an original owner since 1990 as well.

My highest mileage supra had 320,000 miles on the clock when I sold it. My current daily driver (the grey one in my sig) has well over 250,000 miles on it. (Stock headgasket, 14 psi boost, etc).

I dunno. He sounds pretty sure of himself. :sarcasm:

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
This guy is a walnut.

My NA never overheated, EVER, and I barely had the money to maintain that car being 15 years old. Lets put it this way. I had the POS for 4 years and changed the spark plugs ONCE.(with lightly used units from Yellow 13 :rofl: after the trans swap)

Basically you have a shitty car.

Also, my 1JZ never overheated EVER either, Some people just can't own cars I guess.


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
3p141592654;1014103 said:
and I live in LA which is of course known for its cold summer temperatures, light traffic, and flat terrain.
That's sig material, right there. I can't stop giggling now...

Back on topic. The OP is marginally correct in one way. Overheating can certainly cause a BHG - I've seen that several times, where:
- heater hose pops
- engine loses all it's coolant
- engine temps climb
- bad things happen
- profit (Well, for the tow company and shop, anyway)

However, the vast majority of heater hose failures occur due to 2 reasons. Either the head gasket is leaking exhaust into the cooling system, causing huge overpressure, or the hose was old, weak, and brittle, just waiting for an excuse to take out several thousand dollars worth of machinery.

Personally, I've blown more head gaskets than heater hoses. Actually, I can count the number of heater hoses I've blown pretty easy - I only need my thumbs. On one hand. I didn't replace all the hoses in my car until well after 160,000km, either.

One last bit that I won't let pass, either. I know the forums are quick to scream BHG! when anyone posts about cooling problems, however, there are people on the street outside my office claiming the world is ending tonight at 9:46pm PDT, too. We are very careful to explore all the other avenues that are cheaper and easier to fix before we advise someone to tear off their head. If you're going to point fingers and scream about bad advice, I'd like to see where the forum membership pointed someone the wrong way. Link me the threads, please.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
CustomOHioSupra;1013809 said:
Nick M (blew one gasket at 199k, the other two did not work at startup) i got this car running AGAIN from not listening to people blab about how much they know, or who should be giving advice, or what they would do.....the mk3 forum is repair forum without the mechanic

Well, I am a proffessional automotive technician. I have an education from the private sector, and then more from Toyota. Stop now. edit: and I am not the only tech here.

My owners manual says change coolant on flat ground. I have had two 87's, and two 88's. I might have an 88 owners manual. I already know it won't say change it on a hill.
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Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
You've made seven posts here. I've read most if not all of them, and they have all been ridiculouosly stupid. Not ignorant, stupid. Read and research and post again when you aren't such a dumb ass.
May 4, 2008
Bohemian Grove, CA
those are good numbers to reach, but are far from normal for the orginal 7m..
the head gasket is not a fault point in the 7m, the owner is.....i only got 199k out of mine... i lose here for being bad owner.....i am guessing no one blew a heater hose in those 500,000 miles?is there a orginal owner with the orginal 7m heater hose?...i think every mk3 has blown the heater hose...so if you think i am a fool for trying to help that situaltion, i think you are the fool,,,,the bypass is a good idea, and you reply with "i guess some people dont know how to keep the orginal engine going" or "he is a fool"....but there are some exceptional 7m owners if they are reaching 250k... but you dont have to put me on the ignore list just get out of the bypass forum if you don't want to talk about it , but i am interested discussing equal temps among all cylinders+eliminating hotspots rather then calling people names.....200,500 miles and going stong+cool. Anyone ever do the bypass, or buy the japanese bypass or have a link?

the hill fill is not in the 1989 manual, i was mistaken....i looked for ever, honestly i thought it was in there, i should have check it again not jet...i was WRONG!!!!


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Wrong again. The head gasket IS a fault point. That's not something you can debate. The bolts are under torqued from the factory. Period.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
Quin;1014914 said:
Wrong again. The head gasket IS a fault point. That's not something you can debate. The bolts are under torqued from the factory. Period.

Yep. Quin is correct. There is no arguing with that.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
CustomOHioSupra;1014901 said:
those are good numbers to reach, but are far from normal for the orginal 7m..
the head gasket is not a fault point in the 7m, the owner is.....i only got 199k out of mine... i lose here for being bad owner.....i am guessing no one blew a heater hose in those 500,000 miles?is there a orginal owner with the orginal 7m heater hose?...i think every mk3 has blown the heater hose...so if you think i am a fool for trying to help that situaltion, i think you are the fool,,,,the bypass is a good idea, and you reply with "i guess some people dont know how to keep the orginal engine going" or "he is a fool"....but there are some exceptional 7m owners if they are reaching 250k... but you dont have to put me on the ignore list just get out of the bypass forum if you don't want to talk about it , but i am interested discussing equal temps among all cylinders+eliminating hotspots rather then calling people names.....200,500 miles and going stong+cool. Anyone ever do the bypass, or buy the japanese bypass or have a link?

the hill fill is not in the 1989 manual, i was mistaken....i looked for ever, honestly i thought it was in there, i should have check it again not jet...i was WRONG!!!!

Yeah...you were wrong and you based half your argument on it. Not to mention the stabs you made at some very respected members here. That behavior (without being sure) is unsat...now you want to just let it slide. The damage to your credibility is already done.

Maybe the reason the guys here that care about their car replace the hoses before they blow vs looking for some sort of cosmic fix. The cooling system in the 7M is actually quite good...that is if you maintain it. It keeps the cylinders from having "hot spots" very well. The problems I've seen are from poor maintenance or screwing with it.
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