Kai said:I've considered trying for 'the big 96oz bastard', i actually dont think a 42oz would faze me, i can easily do 2x24oz in one sitting with the baked potato and veggies...
BlackMKIII said:And I thought eating a 1lb burger was bad for my heart... :aigo:
Do you know how you can tell you're at a really good Chinese restraunt?JustAnotherVictim said:You must go to he bad ones.
Ours use tiger.
!!! Dude, is that Sho'Nuff in your avatar?! Badass!!!JustAnotherVictim said:We have the direct line from Malaysia.
D34DC311 said:LOL, my cousin is 6' 6" 300 something pounds, we took him to a all you could eat steak place, 3 hours of him eating steak. He bet some dudes record so they didn't charge us, and his picture is on the wall now.
I wanna take my cousin there now, I wanna see some buck 20, Asian guy try and pull food away from him, I think the phrase, "trying to take a steak from a tiger" is pretty accurate.
You'd have no chance of getting chicken from me.............:2ar15:Clueless said:Or "taking fried chicken away from a black man!"
trucker said:*best john pinette imatitation imatating an asian buffet owner*
"you, big boy, you go now! You here 4 fucking hour! You free, you go now!"
starscream5000 said:Ahh, I love sushi...