Back from the track. Got in one dececent run...out of 3 tries thanks to a packed track.
1st. Too much clutch slip and a third gear bog.. 12.9 @117MPH(1.95 60ft)
2nd. Better launch, but a couple of minor bogs between shifts..12.69 @118.59mph (1.87 60ft)
3rd run (after waiting a while for the track cleanup).................12.0 @120.1mph.. That was with a hellacious launch. And I had the boost up to 24psi. Thanks to the wonderful teenage girls running the booth, my timeslip was lost and I don't know my 60ft. But by feel it had to be in the 1.7 range. Lucky my supra buddy was there to tell me my time.
No 11's, but I'm happy. Especially since I have built (healthy)engine ready to go in