My understanding (read: take this with a big damn grain of salt, cuz I'm not really experienced with this stuff): Engine fuel injector timing is based off a graph, or fuel map. Input 'x', output 'y'.
'x' = (MAP output)*(rpm)
'y' = output to injector
So, if you put in larger injectors, it should go rich, because that larger injector would spray more fuel for that same 'y' value.
This is where the resistors come in. If you resist the output from the MAP sensor (thus decreasing the voltage), the ECU interprets this as less air. So, with lower MAP output, the 'x' value is decreased, with a resulting decrease in 'y' value, or injector signal. As long as the resistance is correct, you can lower that 'y' value correctly to balance out the larger injectors and have a correct mixture.
If we have to decrease MAP signal to allow bigger injectors, then what is the purpose? This is the purpose: (I don't know the actual values, only the theory, so I am going to use theoretical values)
Suppose you have a stock setup. ECU programming limits the 'y' value (injector signal) to a maximum threshold. Remember 'y' is the product of MAP signal and RPMs. We can't alter the interpreted RPM value because the engine and ECU have to be synchronized. We can alter the MAP signal, however.
In this stock setup, let us say that at 5k rpms, the ECU is limited to a max of 1 Bar of pressure. The moment pressure hits 1 Bar, fuel cut.
Now, we modify the engine, 550cc injectors and wire in those resistors. The ECU is still limited to 1 Bar of
interpreted MAP output. We are back to 5k rpms. Our new fatdaddy turbocharger has pushed intake pressure to 1.2Bar. If the ECU knew there was that much pressure, it would have hit fuel cut because that exceeds the max value allowed by the fuel map. BUT, because of those resistors, the ECU only sees 0.9Bar, so it continues to send signal to the injectors.
Now, if we were still using those 440cc injectors, we would obviously be too lean. Lucky for us, we have those 550cc injectors, so the injector signal that
would have resulted in a lean mixture, actually results in a good burn, but at greater intake pressure than the stock setup.
I think I explained this correctly, but I'm not strong on this kind of stuff, so somebody smarter than me please chime in and fix my errors.