Have you named your supra(s)?


New Member
All my cars usually have a name, my two supras I usually refer to as poopra just because it is fun to say.

I like to give personalities to the supras as they seem to have them.

My supra recently decided it needed a metal headgasket, so it blew it's old one, then it decided that instead of changing the oil a few times to get coolant out it would leak it at every place possible to ensure the oil had no water in it. Then it decided that it's CPS was looking bad so it broke it and get a replacement. Every time I go WOT I hope the supra doesn't want any new parts ;)

My old land rover I called mr. rover, and I used to love replying to people when they asked where it was with "mr. rover was sick today" :)

A. Jay

Jun 3, 2009
Bay Area, CA
shaeff;1548438 said:
You should see the looks I get from people when I say: "Yeah, so I spent all day yesterday working on the Flowerpot."

They just sort of cock their heads to the side with a blank gaze and drool.



I never named my '91, but wanted to. When I got the '90 running I tried to think of one, and I decided to ask a friend at work who named his red '07 tacoma Big Bertha (because he got all the options). He came up with Ciara. I said it out loud: "Ciara Supra". I liked it.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
SupraMario;1548328 said:
Any of the below:
Piece of shit
Good car
Don't die on me
Stop rattling
fucking asshole
old piece of shit
I just fixed (insert part) you should fucking work you bastard
used in context: "busted fucking probe"

Im with you on this one. Lots of names, mostly bad/curse words, other times (rare) nice names.

Right now it has a very bad name since my rear timing cover seal decided to blow........another year, another engine pull


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005


She's earned the name too...

Mean tempered bitch that she is. I've always told people owning a Supra is like having a very shallow girlfriend, if you don't buy it presents constantly, it will make you miserable...


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
MROsborne;1548526 said:
Lol why havnt you got her going yet shaeff?
I'm tired of seeing shitbox Supras on the road. I've been there, I learned a lot on my first car. But when it came time to put up or shut up, I parted it out and junked the chassis due to serious rust issues. I'm tired of doing serious work to it, then pulling it off the road again to do more work to it. I'm never happy with how it turns out, so I just took it off the road six years ago until I can properly finish it. I'm getting close- mainly time constraints at this point. This summer it should be mobile under it's own power for the first time in years, and next summer it should be damn near finished.
livinasask8er;1548543 said:
Yep, now add drool.


1jz Asshole :)
Jan 25, 2006
St. Louis, MO
GrimJack;1548317 said:
The mistress... it competes for time, attention, and funds with my wife. Sounds like a mistress to me.

I call mine Teh Whore because she's mean, takes all my money, lets me down, causes so much frustration and anger, yet when she is on her game, its the best ride I'll ever have!


Holy S*** I own a Racecar
Jan 24, 2009
I call mine Elyzabeth for no reason other than I like the name lol

My girlfriend of course calls it the stupid piece of tin that gets more attention and money put into it than her ;-P