Have problem and need advice!

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Custom Painter/Fabricator
Apr 7, 2012
Beaverton, Oregon, United States
HA HA That's hilarious!!! The pose matches the Miata... Jus sayin,,,

te72;1841167 said:
Do what I do... only wash it once in a while, like once a month. Attracts less attention that way.

Alternatively, pick up a Miata as a second car, is what I would recommend, but I would caution against posing like that WITH a Miata. ;)
Apr 10, 2008
South East USA
Dude you appreciate your car - so do I - most people are slobs and don't. I use a daily driver and rotate them as I wish. Yes as I wish because I can. My daily driver is a 4 cylinder because gas prices vary over time and when you're getting 30 to the gallon it makes it less of a concern.

I seriously got over the worry after about 2 years. I wash and wax it now. Nobody's gonna drive it...hell no. But I'll let people ride (250 weight limit don't want to damage the seat now)

I'm proud of it but careful not to encite envy. Mine gets climate controlled garaging.

I realized too that most people only care about the new model car. When you get a daily driver to supplement the supra consider something that isn't too nice because it will help ease the fear not having to worry about dings and crap from people.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
MarkIII4Me;1840696 said:
Dude, if my Supra looked like yours and was all stock, I wouldn't even worry about it. I don't know where one has to live to have that draw so much attention. Look at some of the build threads here to see some truly impressive examples of the MKIII supra that have tens of thousands of dollars dumped into them. Afterwards u won't feel so bad leaving your car unattended with the windows down and the keys in the ignition.

I do mean to be a dick, but with an old stocker like that, my post is beyond rediculous.

A nice stock Supra is way more appreciated and easier to sell than any modded car that's had "tens of thousands" of dollars dumped into it. The 91 in my sig was stock. I got compliments on that car all the time and it always gained attention at the Toyota dealership where I had the oil changed.
Is it bad that he takes pride in his car and cares about it getting dinged? I've owned some shitty cars in the past but I still didn't want them dinged or backed into.

ZFast300Z;1840806 said:
Buy another car... Keep the supra around to drive for the joy of it.

This absolutely. I daily drive a Lexus SC400 and leisurely drive the Supra. Buy you a big ass Cadillac and enjoy the shit out of it.
BTW your pose is kinda gay. ;)
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