Have anybody mp3 of rodknock sound?


New Member
Dec 3, 2005
Nappy City
okay...i "HAVE" heard my share of rodknocking...and what occurs under my hood...well, maybe i am just a dummy...motor sounds nice and clean, but if i rev slowly, at about 2000-2500rpm's, it makes a ticking sound, loud, and very fast, but after 2500 or so, it stops and is the nice clean sound...but when i rev my engine up really fast from like 1000 to 5000rpms...i dont hear ticking..

(i guess you could just say that paranoia is taking place but DAMNIT its scarring me. help a brother out).

SkyHawk Ecks

Mar 30, 2005
Stockton, CA
tomjan87 said:
The other sound you would hear for the unexperienced would be either the valve train, it is noisy, or if you have improper clearance with the valve shims, which then need to be replaced with ones that give the proper clearance.

Dont worry, when i first heard the ticking of my inproper adjusted shims, i thought rod knock also, but i checked around, and it was not. its not that we are dumb, just overly worried!, and inexperienced.

for anyone else who knows alot, does leaving the engine with the bad clearance do anything bad, I have a ticking sound been there for about a year. doesnt get any worse, just fucken annoying. its a big job though to go about. May just wait till the head gasket blows to fix it, ill just turn up the music.


I'm wondering this too. It's annoying.


i wasnt speeding officer
Jun 3, 2005
perth West Australia

the bearings on the right are from cyl6
the ones on the left are from cyl4.
number 6 had rod knock.
they had shrunk i guess you can say to the crank,rather than fitting to the rod.When i removed the rod the bearings stayed on the crank rather than on the rod itself if you know what im getting at.That motor was a "low kms jap import" in my "low km halfcut".Had rodknock from startup.