has anyone seen this?


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
"if you see a ricer, pull em over" that sucks man, and I heard that the cops in california konw what "drifting" is... glad I'm up north.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
well another freedom is being thrown out the window....thank you american law makers......

but seriously instead of trying to stop people with a hobby that may keep them out of gangs or something of the sort...why dont these law makers worry about crime, poverty...etc.. instead of harassing normal people all day


Supramania Contributor
dumbest thing i've ever heard of. and they wonder why people riot.

i hope they take their own police cars and personal cars off of the road then...

this should also account for all of the old school detroit iron, bikes, ferrari's, lambos and whatever else have you.

this won't last long. people will start a civil war over this shit.

i would love to see this happen over here, ha!


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
what a f***ing joke! most people who drive modified cars don't have ANY illegal mods. And what the hell is up with the whole 'officers judgement' thing about how loud the exaust is? That gives the cops TOO much power to do whatever the hell they want. If he doesn't like the way you look, or what car you drive, he can give you a ticket based on how loud your car is? even if it's relatively quiet and he just doesn't like you!!! that won't last long at all. It'll be the first ticket he writes to somebody with a LOT of money and powerful parents that don't like being pushed around that the cop will lose his badge, and the law will be gone. It's like a damn dictatorship or something...they'll try to push this shit to the point where the cop can arrest you for whatever he wants, do a public hanging on the side of the street, and then say "his car was blue!". Too much power put into individual cops and not the court system, there should be a fixed number of how many db a car can make. Not to mention the fact that so many cops are ass holes for no reason, and many of them are corrupt. I will never move to california as long as a cop can write me a ticket for no reason. It's bad enough that they can pull you over and say "probable cause". I'm gonna move to another country.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
billspreston01 said:
what a f***ing joke! most people who drive modified cars don't have ANY illegal mods. And what the hell is up with the whole 'officers judgement' thing about how loud the exaust is? That gives the cops TOO much power to do whatever the hell they want. If he doesn't like the way you look, or what car you drive, he can give you a ticket based on how loud your car is? even if it's relatively quiet and he just doesn't like you!!! that won't last long at all. It'll be the first ticket he writes to somebody with a LOT of money and powerful parents that don't like being pushed around that the cop will lose his badge, and the law will be gone. It's like a damn dictatorship or something...they'll try to push this shit to the point where the cop can arrest you for whatever he wants, do a public hanging on the side of the street, and then say "his car was blue!". Too much power put into individual cops and not the court system, there should be a fixed number of how many db a car can make. Not to mention the fact that so many cops are ass holes for no reason, and many of them are corrupt. I will never move to california as long as a cop can write me a ticket for no reason. It's bad enough that they can pull you over and say "probable cause". I'm gonna move to another country.
move to canada its much better here :naughty:

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
robbo185 said:
well another freedom is being thrown out the window....thank you american law makers......

but seriously instead of trying to stop people with a hobby that may keep them out of gangs or something of the sort...why dont these law makers worry about crime, poverty...etc.. instead of harassing normal people all day

I agree totally.

Is this just for "ricers" or do muscle car fans get affected too?

I am really begining to HATE California...


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
billspreston01 said:
I'm gonna move to another country.

the USA is going down hill anyway good ol' G. W is fu ckin alot of stuff up and his cabinet isnt doing much better. 5mil FOR WHAT.
I'm moving to germany anyways, and takin my MKIII with me, here i come autobahn.


Apr 4, 2005
Glendale, CA
Several cities have drag-racing ordinances that allow police to auction off seized cars and keep the profits.

That right there pisses me off, I'm getting really fed up with california, love the state, hate the system, by just having my Supramania decal means I could be pulled over, thats just down right stupid, if thats happen I"m gonna start driving my dads volvo, seriusly, this is just wayy to much BS :mad:


i'll never watch another arnold schwartzenger movie ever again


My Neighbor just got a $60 dollar ticket for his aftermarket exaust. My stock MK3 exhaust sounds similiar...What a bunch of assholes. It's time to stand up for our rights as citizens.

REFUSE TO STOP FOR A COP. That's my new slogan.


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
D34DC311 said:
the USA is going down hill anyway good ol' G. W is fu ckin alot of stuff up and his cabinet isnt doing much better. 5mil FOR WHAT.
I'm moving to germany anyways, and takin my MKIII with me, here i come autobahn.

Easy there tiger, lets not start bashing the OUR President. If you would like to do that go here www.moveon.org Maybe you can chat with Matt Damon about it!! Just remember, the alternative was John Kerry :biglaugh:


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
ShagsSupra said:
If Cali wasnt full of asshats that race non stop this wouldnt be happening there ;) I blame Luvmysilversupra.

another jealous redneck driving his GM in N. Carolina... :nono:

1) of course only the imports will be pulled over. domestics never get hasseled.

2) no rich kid's parents are gonna sue over a modified exhaust ticket: most rich kids will be driving vettes or M3's and the cops don't bother them.

3) there is a law that states how loud an exhaust can be before it's illegal. they don't anymore and cops write tickets left and right, but only to imports. i've never seen or heard of a domestic getting a modified exhaust ticket.

as usual, imports are being singled out and we can give the thanks 100% to the honda crowd. they give us a bad rep with the man. u never hear about a supra or 7 or z crashing during a street race, it's always the hondas and mustangs doing that shit.

the worst part is they're taking police to car meets and to the drag strip and recording people's cars to send them tickets in the mail later.

so we can't race at the track, can't hang out together....guess maybe we should start stealing cars, shooting people and doing drugs....they don't seem to care too much about youths doing that.

i wonder how long until i get a modified exhaust ticket in my stock G....


Apr 4, 2005
Just another reason to add to the list for not moving to California.
Dont use reasonable cause to investigate the loiterers on the street corner for sellling crack but do pull over the car which is not speeding or breaking the law because it has a gauge pillar pod.

This is a reaction to dumasses racing on the street and causing people to be killed. Yes i think this kind of profiling is wrong and its real purpose is revenue for the state.