ShagsSupra said:
If Cali wasnt full of asshats that race non stop this wouldnt be happening there

I blame Luvmysilversupra.
another jealous redneck driving his GM in N. Carolina... :nono:
1) of course only the imports will be pulled over. domestics never get hasseled.
2) no rich kid's parents are gonna sue over a modified exhaust ticket: most rich kids will be driving vettes or M3's and the cops don't bother them.
3) there is a law that states how loud an exhaust can be before it's illegal. they don't anymore and cops write tickets left and right, but only to imports. i've never seen or heard of a domestic getting a modified exhaust ticket.
as usual, imports are being singled out and we can give the thanks 100% to the honda crowd. they give us a bad rep with the man. u never hear about a supra or 7 or z crashing during a street race, it's always the hondas and mustangs doing that shit.
the worst part is they're taking police to car meets and to the drag strip and recording people's cars to send them tickets in the mail later.
so we can't race at the track, can't hang out together....guess maybe we should start stealing cars, shooting people and doing drugs....they don't seem to care too much about youths doing that.
i wonder how long until i get a modified exhaust ticket in my stock G....