Jdub: Yeah, I've gone back to the stock setup with a WIX. I might try the PureOne in the future. Fwiw I had the same kind of oil analysis results when using the Bracket oiled filter verus stock paper on a few airplanes too.
In all fairness to Shaeff we were talking about the K&N. Based on that homebrewed test the other filter he mentioned appears a good mix of flow and filtration. If I was highly modified and was using a high flow induction system and couldn't use the stock airbox I'd probably use that. The bottom line though is it still wouldn't filter as well as paper. Even the Delco should flow more than enough in the same situation. The issue would be mounting it.
At any rate I wouldn't use a K&N unless it had a precharger on it and since that brings filtration closer to stock why do it? I suppose if I lived in a very clean area (say the PNW) I might accept more engine wear with less filtration but I wouldn't be that happy about doing it. I do kinda miss that turbo sucking whine the K&N offered but I can live without it. All this is my two cents of course...others can do what as they wish.