Harness bar/Harness ?


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
Ok so I have stock seats that i plan on keeping for awhile any ways my seat belt on my drivers sides all jacked up and dose not work well what I want to know is could I kill two birds with one stone and could I buy and harness bar and harness (or just harness) now and use it with my stock driver seat and still use the stock seat belt from the passenger seat?I know this seems dumb but it's what I want to do for the time being and I'm a balla on a budet.I have seen stock seats with harness on them.Thanks


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
the motor city
quit "ballaing".

the reality is that in order to work CORRECTLY a harness needs the anti-sub strap and needs to be TIGHT. i.e. you won't be able to move around easily (good luck @ a toll booth, drive thru, etc.). a harness on a DD car is absolutely retarded. find yourself a new stock seatbelt for DD use.

no problems using a harness w/stock seats, provided the harness is installed correctly.


Apr 1, 2005
drjonez said:
quit "ballaing".

the reality is that in order to work CORRECTLY a harness needs the anti-sub strap

also known as- i dont plan on children belt.

dr is right, and better than that i wouldnt run a harness without a roll bar. in a roll over crash you would be crushed.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Wouldnt using just one shoulder of the harness have the same effect as the stock belt? As in, your body will move forward because only one shoulder is in the belt.

As far as rollover crushing you, how is it different than being held in place like a normal belt? If anything the harness should offer quick release to make it easier to get of? On top of that, unless your targa the supra should hold up pretty well to a roll over from what Ive been told.


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
Richmond, Virginia
mk u both obviously don't have the harness bar and harnesses< and i cant spell:aigo: but i have stock seats with the titan bar with Shroth racing harness
and my seat belts were messed up too but i think they are comfy, only problem is backing up and if ur too lazy to disengage ur center lock for a drive through you've had way too much mcdonalds here are some pics






Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
we all live in a yellow submarine...errr... wait a minute, that car isn't yellow!?


Supramania Contributor
Poodles said:
could swear the harness was supposed to go through the harness bar and then BOLT to the rear seat belt locations...

Why would the harnesses need to be bolted in the back? Wrapping them around the harness bar like that is perfectly acceptable and that's how a lot of harnesses are installed. That's how I've always mounted them. And it's better to have the harness in that location versus bolted to the floor. If it is wrapped around the harness bar it would probably be fine, but the way he did it is better.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
every racecar I've seen ha had them bolted to the frame...

the harness bar is there to keep the harness on the level with your shoulders, if it's bolted straight down to the frame it will crush yoo in an accident


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Poodles said:
every racecar I've seen ha had them bolted to the frame...

the harness bar is there to keep the harness on the level with your shoulders, if it's bolted straight down to the frame it will crush yoo in an accident


Some seatbelts are wrap around, some are bolt in. Depends on the racecar.



brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
drjonez said:
quit "ballaing".

the reality is that in order to work CORRECTLY a harness needs the anti-sub strap and needs to be TIGHT. i.e. you won't be able to move around easily (good luck @ a toll booth, drive thru, etc.). a harness on a DD car is absolutely retarded. find yourself a new stock seatbelt for DD use.

no problems using a harness w/stock seats, provided the harness is installed correctly.

well i could do what ever I want I don't need you to tell me how to live my life or build my car and I have friends with harness's in there DD all I wanted to know is would I be able to do this.

Moneypit101 thanks for the info the harness bar i was looking at was the titan motorsport one that you have.Also how much were tho's harness's?


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Poodles said:
could swear the harness was supposed to go through the harness bar and then BOLT to the rear seat belt locations...

I guess this begs the question, what is the harness bar bolted to? I can't tell from the pictures. I'm guessing the mount where the old shoulder strap goes.

If that's the case, it doesn't seem like it would be stable enough towards the middle of the bar where it supports both inside shoulder belts.


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Huh...I use a little different set-up.

I built a rear shock tower brace which has the brace strut mounted slightly forward of the shocks and doubles as a harness bar. So the belts go over the bar and then bolt to the floor.

IIRC...that's the way the rules read ("belts must be bolted securely to the floor or frame") at Irwindale Raceway.

This is the first time I've ever seen anyone mount the belts any other way. Not saying it isn't good, I've just never seen it.


Back again...
Sep 5, 2007
Should also be mentioned that race harnesses are not street legal in most places where your factory 3pt is. It comes down to quality of the belt and how well it was installed. (I have seen kids here put the shoulder belts down to the floor and just punch a hole through them and put the seat bolts through) Your local DOT has no proof either the belts or the installation job is crash worthy so they require the factory 3pt to still be there and used. I can only speak for here in Ontario but I would expect the rules are the same most places since I can't see your local DOT setting up a seat belt inspection and certification program.

Also yes, running a 4pt without a submarine strap is a dumb move and here is why.

In a factory 3pt the shoulder belt attaches to the side mount point, not to the lap belt so in an accident it pulls tight between the B pillar and the floor. The lap belt in turn pulls tight between two floor points and doesn't have a tendancy to move.

In a 4pt without a sub-belt the shoulder harnesses attach to the lap belt. When you are in an accident and they pull tight they actually pull the lap belt up and out of position and you "submarine" under it. (or at the very least it comes up off your pelvis and makes gravy of your soft squishy abdominal organs). The sub belt provides a downward pull to keep the lap belt from riding up when the shoulder straps pull tight.

This is why a 4 pt is actually less safe than a 3pt.


Supramania Contributor
Poodles said:
every racecar I've seen ha had them bolted to the frame...

the harness bar is there to keep the harness on the level with your shoulders, if it's bolted straight down to the frame it will crush yoo in an accident

I did some looking around and realized that we might not be talking about the same thing. I'm talking about cars with a full cage, where the welded in harness bar should be used as the mount for the harnesses. But I found something that brought up a good point to support your side, that a lot of harness bars aren't really designed to take the loads in the event of a crash. And I'm sure most harness bars aren't really designed in that sense, I mean they're designed to fit, but I doubt that many people are actually doing real engineering design on them. So with a harness bar, Poodles is right, it's better to use it as a guide and attach the belts at the seat belt mounting points. But with a cage, a wrap around harness is still the best. One of the big reasons for this is the shorter length of belt in tension will allow less stretch in the event of a crash. This is also suggested in some rulebooks that I looked at real quick where they say to mount the belts so the shortest possible amount of belt is in tension.

But everyone else is right about the 4-point belts. They're junk, it's more for showing off and saying "look at me, I have a race harness in my car" than it is for actual safety. I got one when I bought a seat from some guy, had it in the car for one event and took it out as soon as we got back and put the stock belts back in.