Had a scare today- pcv system was the culprit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
I started backing out of my driveway today, and immediately noticed that I was passing through a cloud of blue-white smoke from my exhaust. :aigo:

Now my car has never burned any oil, but the cloud didn't seem quite blue, and didn't seem quite white. I decided to go for a quick ride, thinking maybe i just had a little oil from the valve guides to burn off. Well, the smoke didn't go away, and the car would miss briefly when adding throttle, and would misfire at anything higher than 5psi. Great. what's wrong now, i'm thinking. So I open the hood, check the usual suspects for the stumble, and am wondering how my new rings or new valve guide seals could have gone bad. On a whim, I decide to check my up-till-this-point always empty PCV catch can. The sight glass says there's something in it, about 1/4 full. I put a drain pan under it, open it up, and wala- a half a cup of water pours out. Huh? I mean- I know that part of the PCV system's duty is to take care of water condensation in the crankcase, but a half a cup in less than 1,000 miles of driving? Anyway, I empty it, start the car, and everything's back to normal. Apparently, the engine was sucking some of that water(it was slightly oily) back into the cylinders, thus explaining the smoke. The hesitation's gone now too. I imagine my piston tops look great now, seeing as the motor's been inadvertently 'steam cleaned', but my question is- is this much water normal to find in a pcv system?
This is how it's routed:


LMK know what you think- if it's normal, abnormal, or my own fault because my routing's wrong somehow.


formerly ark86
Jan 9, 2008
I would like to know this as well. I rarely drive my car and I have about 1/2" - 3/4" of water in my catch can (not much oil at all). Mine is routed exactly like yours, but I have a PCV valve right off the TB to prevent backflow from boost.


Oct 11, 2007
Im not expert but that routing doesn't seem too effective. Whenever you aren't on boost the throttle body port is just going to pull air directly from the accordion hose. At least with the stock setup, any air drawn from the accordion hose gets pulled directly over the valve covers and draws that vapor in. Someone please correct me if im wrong, but that is my impression.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Well, maybe that is part of the problem, and I have to put a check valve in line with the hose going up to- but before, the throttle body junction.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
Here is my setup. I did a lot of research on this forum and others prior to purchasing and setting it up. Also, unlike the majority of people i've seen, the filters will separate the oil down to 5 micron IIRC while most people dont have anything to condense the oil since most (i've seen) rely on cheap Ebay stuff. Even adding steel wool should help condense the oil. Only thing some would suggest which i will be adding is a PCV valve between the TB and valve covers. There are plenty of diagrams on the forum, a quick search will render good results. I'm not promising mine is perfect, but i know it works and well.


Edit: i was looking at your sketch wrong, yours is setup like mine minus dual filters.
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Name the Place and time.
Dec 31, 2008
I believe jdubb has added to this issue before. The pcv is not needed as it's a closed system. That boost is being redirected back to the intake system. Something like that. It's been covered already. Ps: I used a check valve before and the smoking progressed. After removing it the smoking stop. Weird but that's what I found. Someone else who is more knowledgable should chime in.