Guy advice

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Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
siman said:
yeah....all those extra long posts are awsome!

Just be happy he has found a hobby. Heck, why are you on this forum anyways if you are worried about a car messing with the relationship!?


She is on this forum so she can get into the mind of a Supra fanatic like everyone here...

Why are you here anyways?


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Im not reading this whole thread... hell no, Im too lazy, or something...

I will say this though, dunno if someone mentioned this or not, but: why not join him in his hobby? Show interest... learn about these cars and impress him with some interesting fact, like say; so hunny, are you gunna upgrade your ct-26 to a 60-1? He'll think its so cute! :D:D:D lol...

Im lucky I guess: my wife loves my, er, OUR car :D She supports my addiction to upgrading... Films me at the track, even when its not the greatest tape, lol... She gets on me when I race around for no reason, but cheers me when I smoke a vette... When Im working on the car, she will hang with me while I work, ask questions, bring me drinks, put medicine on my cuts, rubs my back when its sore from hovering over the engine... She congradulates me when the work is done, and gives me support when Im frustrated with a problem with the car...

Its awesome... I love that she supports me... And when we go to meets/shows, she knows whats up with these cars, so she doesnt look like a trophy standing there lookin pretty...

Get involved with your guy and his passion... It'll only bring you two closer...



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
lmao jake watch this:

Idealsupra said:
....maybe support him with it...learn how to work on it with him...offer to help him mods for his bday or xmas or whatever.... THATS how you will get more attention from him...cause gf's who get into cars because they want to show support for their guy is sexy.

aaronc222 said:
If you're really wanting to spend more time with him, try learning more about the supra and cars in general.
Give him time and show an interest in his hobby is the best advice I can give.

GrimJack said:
Becoming involved in the work is a great idea, there are few things more cute to us than a good looking gal all dirty from helping to work on the car. Pick up a mod or two for Christmas, or birthdays, or what have you, then the car will start to remind him of you and your support. Even just simple things like washing the car with him help in a big way.

kwnate said:
He won't give it up, so get involved. Hell your already a member at Supramania!!! Looks some stuff up and surprise him with your knowledge!!!

psifactor said:
or get yourself involved with the car.

mkiiSupraMan18 said:
and when we met she knew absolutely NOTHING about cars..... She still has a lot to learn about just the basics, but we made a "deal", she'll learn a little about cars (mainly just humor me in the garage.....) and I'll learn how to dance..... so... very soon I'm gonna find some dancing lessons somewhere, or she's gonna teach me, whatever. I think that something like this works really well in relationships.... She helped me swap out a trans once..... Something about grease/oil on a woman drives men crazy, I think maybe because it "prooves" their love.

Tigerkat229 said:
Oh my god.....

Seriously....take an of my best friends girl cant stand that she knows he loves the car more than her and she me....why i dont know, she hardly even likes i'm gonna tell him to give up the car for her...what-the-fuck-ever, i like that car a hell of a lot more than i like her

but advice...from a girl who hears a guy bitch....take an interest, thats all you have to do...go to meets with him, ask him if he needs help when you know hes working on it, buy a magazine and read up...cause in the long run, you either take and interest or the next part he removes is gonna be you.

see jake...when you even BROWSE a thread youll notice EVERYONE is ahead of you ;)
Last edited:


siman said:
......... :naughty:

i distinctly remember telling you to stay OUT of off topic.

do so, all your posts after now WILL be deleted.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Idealsupra said:
lmao jake watch this:
see jake...when you even BROWSE a thread youll notice EVERYONE is ahead of you ;)

Oh yeah... Jayson, watch this... :icon_razz :icon_razz :icon_razz

Reign_Maker said:
Im not reading this whole thread... hell no, Im too lazy, or something... Jake


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
OK, if I hadn't been directed to this thread from another I would have thought that it was one of two things...........

1. Either his car was a total Piece of Shit and never ran


2. He was looking for an escape.

Now I know who the BF is, and it definitely isn't #1. I have been married for 12 years, and I can say that if you spend every waking moment together, it gets stale. It's healthy for you both to have interests that the other has nothing to do with. You don't have to enjoy, participate, or even understand his hobby, and likewise for him. This makes the time you spend together much more enjoyable.

I hear that I love my Supra more than her from time to time. I am totally consumed with the Supras ( I have 3), but not even all 3 can compare to her. I recently lost the Supra in my sig, the car I spent 2 years putting together. Yes, I cried (once)........but if I lost her, I'd probably be suicidal.
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