Wow looks like I have some catching up to do on this thread!! Sorry I've been so distant you guys.... Been working my ass off to finish my other car so that I can actually get places under my own power.... walking this time of year SUCKSSSSS.
Not that any of you are into VWs... but I thought I'd share, since I'm pretty stoked with this situation right now. She's a 1980 (formerly diesel) VW rabbit that I swapped a 96 Gti ABA motor into. I blew up the diesel for the 3rd time almost 1 1/2 years ago now and bought this one used, out of the car, for $200 bucks quite a while ago.... I never heard it run, just pulled a plug and turned it over, pulled the pan, etc. and bought it. I did the timing belt myself (always freaks me out...) and put the motor in a year ago. That was the easy part.... been struggling with the wiring ever since, then the darn Supra halted my progress on the build

teehee. I got her running Sunday night, and she sounds awesome!!! Got the brakes working and finished the rear disc swap tues night, and built an exhaust last night.... or, rather, I cut a bunch of tube and a friend of mine welded it together for me. Adjusted the shift linkage and drove her around the street a little last night. Still have to wire in the fan switch and the fan, hook up some dummy lights on the dash and my alt light, and replace a busted coolant flange that I cracked looongg ago and forgot about it.... if she runs good enough I might try driving her up to Toy Run....... we shall see!!!!