Gunman opens fire at NIU. Ugh...


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
robbo185;922475 said:
the wbc is at it again. They are the ones who protest military funerals praising god for the deaths of soldiers because America tolerates homosexuality.

This is pathetic.

I want to fucking kill every one of these assholes in the slowest most painful way I can think of. They have no respect for this nation and the people within it. I hope they all get their kneecaps broken for picketing a funeral, I know I would not be able to sit there and let them spread their filth around at a funeral I attended.

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States;_ylt=A9G_R3T11LVHuHEBfgBH2ocA


this is the shooter. What is so fucked up to cause this kid to turn into a suicidal killer? my condolences to the families of those who were shot, and my condolences to the family of the killer. this is no way to lose a child.


i personally dont believe in prayer, but if you do, pray for these guys and gals


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
^You know what it boils down to? You've got millions of panzies running around these days who lash out verbally and physically against guys like this.

What can the guy do? Nothing. You can't say any thing - then you'd be politically incorrect. You can't protest - then you'd be racist. You can't march - then you'd be clan like. You can't rebel or resist - then you'd be a terrorist.

You can't even have a good old fashioned beat each other's asses into the dirt fist VS fist these days.

Im not saying what the guy did was right - it wasn't right at all.

But when you have a society of bullshit little whiney brats that do as they please, how they please, when they please - and they have realized there isn't any repercussions to their actions, you get guys like this who lash out.

Take a look at the current EMO movement.

What the fuck do those kids have to be soooooo sad and mopey about?


Can you say, do, and act against any thing they do? Nope sure can't. You might hurt their feelings even more.

Was the shooters actions right?


Do I applaud the guy?


I do say, face it folks.... The more and more your rights are taken away to defend yourself, the more and more you're going to see shit like this every day.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
momodu7;922524 said:
I agree with you 100%. I had a friend who was real cool then all of a sudden he went emo on me. He started cutting his wrist and started telling me how much his life sucked. WTF!!! He had scholarships to 5 colleges and he threw it all away to be with other emos like him. He does nothing now but bitch about how life sucks. Its your problem if your life sucks(sometimes)but if you have to be a low life bastard and take other peoples lives because of it, then by all means I hope you burn in hell til the end of time.

I had a friend do the same thing. Cool ass dude and then fliped when he moved to Fullerton. now hes an emo and wont even return calls :nono:


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
MDCmotorsports;922980 said:
^You know what it boils down to? You've got millions of panzies running around these days who lash out verbally and physically against guys like this.

But when you have a society of bullshit little whiney brats that do as they please, how they please, when they please - and they have realized there isn't any repercussions to their actions, you get guys like this who lash out.

To me, you have this backwards. He lashed out physically, he committed the cowardly act, He did what he pleased, when he pleased. This action is cowardly and, in my opinion, he is the whiney brat that couldn't deal with life.

I don't disagree with you about the status of youth (admittedly including my generation). Personal resposibility has gone out the window and has been replaced by entitlement. I don't think it's proper to categorize them as the reason for shit like this though.:aigo:


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
apparently he was off his meds according to his friends and had erratic behavior within the last two weeks.

They need to pass legislation that anyone who has to be on medication due to a mental issue/disorder cant own a firearm. Its like a timebomb waiting to go off if you stop taking the meds.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
dugums;923010 said:
To me, you have this backwards. He lashed out physically, he committed the cowardly act, He did what he pleased, when he pleased. This action is cowardly and, in my opinion, he is the whiney brat that couldn't deal with life.

Im at a lack of words when talking about the youth towards guys like this when I state "physical." I don't mean pushing and shoving.

Other than that, I 100% agree with you.

dugums;923010 said:
I don't disagree with you about the status of youth (admittedly including my generation). Personal resposibility has gone out the window and has been replaced by entitlement.

YUP! ;-)

dugums;923010 said:
I don't think it's proper to categorize them as the reason for shit like this though.:aigo:

....but possibly propper to categorize as A REASON, not THE reason....


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
robbo185;923421 said:
They need to pass legislation that anyone who has to be on medication due to a mental issue/disorder cant own a firearm. Its like a timebomb waiting to go off if you stop taking the meds.

I have a mental disorder, should I not be able to carry a weapon due to my ADHD?