FWIW, here are the reasons for the choices I made:
* 9mm Cougar 8000 for home defense: This was my first pistol, and I bought it in 9mm, because it was the highest powered caliber that every adult in the house could shoot. My wife and stepdaughter are both comfortable with it. It's all steel and high capacity, which makes for easy recoil and perfect for the bedroom. Had it been just me, it would definitely have been a 40, if not 45 depending on my ability to shoot without flinching.
* 380 ACP - Kel Tec P3AT: Yes, I get a lot of crap for carrying a cheap pistol in a wimpy round. The reason is that it is the only affordable pocket pistol I know of, in the highest possible caliber. It's ALWAYS with me - always (well, except at work where I am forced to relinquish my right to self protection :3d_frown: ). Caliber doesn't mean a thing if a gun is too big or heavy, or uncomfortable to have with you every single time you walk out the door and for me that means a pocketable auto. Actually it's pretty accurate, and has been good for reliability. Recently I've started to run into light primer strikes, but I am calling KT for a firing pin spring replacement, which is a well documented fix. My wife and daughter HATE this gun, because at only 8oz empty and a tiny grip, it snaps pretty sharply. Doesn't matter much, since it's always in my front right pants pocket, though.
What's next? Well, I can tell you with a lot of confidence that it will be these or something close to it:
* 9mm Kahr PM9 or Taurus Mil Pro (single stack config): Either of these can be pocket carried, but not quite as easily. I've dropped 6 lbs recently, and if I can drop another 10 it should be a lot easier for inner waistband carry, and it would be nice to have the choice between IWB and pocket carry. Why 9mm when I could step up to 40 S&W with the same dimensions? Well, since I have no intention of taking the 9mm away from my wife, it would be safer and easier to keep ammo from a single caliber in stock. If I had the money, though it would be a Rohrbaugh R9 which is virtually identical to the KT in dimensions, but much higher quality and chambered in 9mm. At a grand for a mouse gun, it isn't something I'm likely to buy anytime soon...
* For the women: 38 snubby DAO with enclosed hammer - probably Taurus, maybe a Charter if I can be convinced of their reliability. These are just so freaking easy to shoot, and have proven themselves for decades as effective bad guy stoppers. My step daughter turns 21 in a year and has already asked for a carry piece for her birthday. I want to get her to the range and let her shoot one, but given the concealability, light weight, easy recoil, reliability, inexpensive and proven effectiveness, I can't think of anything better. My wife is
considering a carry piece, and I have the same thoughts for her.