Guitar Amps


May 8, 2005
Dallas, Tx
Hey guys, I've been out of the scene for awhile and I'm starting to get back into it. My old amp was a Line 6 "hybrid" 2x12 combo. It worked well for a few months then the head unit fried and they didn't want to replace it even though it was under guitar centers warranty. So I had a friend strip the electronics out and converted it into a two speaker cab. I've been watching videos on youtube and talked to a few other players. I usually play metal but I find myself using clean a lot too. I've been looking at the Bugera 333xl and it sounds wicked. What amps are you guys using and what would you suggest? I'm on a budget for something 500-800 range


May 8, 2005
Dallas, Tx
I've always liked the Line 6 spider but I feel like there's something missing from the sound. The hybrid tube amp they had was cool for awhile but lost points when it crapped out. I've been tempted to play on that little micro terror amp lol.


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
Don't know a whole lot about the new stuff but I've always been partial to Roland and Marshall myself. I'm still rocking an old Valvestate 8080 that I just replaced the pots on last year. I've had it for almost 20 years now. Before replacing the pots I picked up a Roland Micro Cube and despite the size/battery power it still sounds nice.

Personally I'd take your guitar to the nearest guitar store and try a few different amps. And since you're just looking for heads see if the sales people will let you try a head on a few different cabinets. Or if your cabinet isn't too heavy bring it in and try a few different heads on it. My 'all time favorite' amp may sound like ass to you and vice versa or an amp will sound great with one guitar and fall on its face with another.

Threads like this always make me want to pick it up again. Between school/supra/wedding planning/work my guitars just sit :'(


May 8, 2005
Dallas, Tx
lol Yeah man, I'm the same way. It's always a one sided deal with me. I'm in 100% with music or the car.. both take too much money lol. I tested out an Orange Dark Terror amp and it sounded so sweet with a fender but my schecter with a jb/59 sounded kinda fuzzy.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I used to play a ton, but not so much anymore. I worked at Guitar Center briefly during school and always LOVED when someone would crank up the Marshall amps on the Marshall cabs. In my experience nothing quite matches that sound for a rock guitar. If you're playing more distorted then I've heard a ton of different amp/cab combos sound great.

I'm not much help, but this is all to say my vote with limited personal experience on different set-ups is the classic Marshall amp, lol.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
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Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
suprarx7nut;1902044 said:
I used to play a ton, but not so much anymore. I worked at Guitar Center briefly during school and always LOVED when someone would crank up the Marshall amps on the Marshall cabs. In my experience nothing quite matches that sound for a rock guitar. If you're playing more distorted then I've heard a ton of different amp/cab combos sound great.

I'm not much help, but this is all to say my vote with limited personal experience on different set-ups is the classic Marshall amp, lol.

Like above, I too used to play a LOT. I was in a band for some 10-12yrs. I played through a MesaBoogie Triple Rec and a Marshall 4x12 cab (which got stolen! :() I adored the sound of that combo. I still have the amp head under my bed, but it hasn't seen the light of day in probably almost 8 years. Makes me sad, but when I get the space to have a proper cabinet for it, I'll drag it back out.


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
Tucson, az
i agree with Shaeff. mesa boogie triple rectifier and a Marshall cab is killa. also a cool set up is Marshall DSL (50watt preferred for me) on an orange cab. my current set is jcm2000 dsl (50watt) on 1960a slant cab w/ greenback speakers.

line 6 has always been (no offense) Amateur sounding, i've yet to hear a line 6 (i had line 6 spyder) that actually sounds good, it always wanted to be too crunchy and buzzy and you'd lose clarity (that's favored in NU metal and a few hardcore bands but not for me). i love big bottom and roaring mids, gives it that full sound and found that in my Marshall. I'd love to get my hands on a 2 channel jcm 800.


May 8, 2005
Dallas, Tx
Yeah the line 6 to me now is too artificial. The Randall I got is pretty nice for the price. I'm changing out the tubes this weekend to get some more out of it. I play more thrash but I tend to find myself playing more cleans lately. Marshalls are great and so are Mesas. If I were more serious in my music, I'd spring up the cash for it but I just like picking up the guitar on those days where you just gotta get stuff off your mind.


May 8, 2005
Dallas, Tx
Yeah I played on a dark terror the other day at guitar center, it's pretty rad! The only model of Peavey's I played on was the 5150 and I friggin love that thing! How's the classic 30? Is it all tubed, solid state or hybrid?