Guess my R154 bit the dust


T-virus infected
Well i've only put 378 miles on the fresh rebuild. Pulled out of work without any problems. Stopped at the first red light. Tried to leave in 1st of course but it popped right out. Tried it agian and held it there it grinds.
So i suppose i lost 1st gear and need to rebuild the tranny.
Just gotta figure out where i'll be able to do this... :( no more shop or lift since we've moved


Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL
syncros have nothing to do wit hthe gear popping out.. either the gears are moving around (trust washer? not sure) or the gear is worn down BAD or a bent/broke shift fork not engauging the gear all the way..

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Bullshit the syncro rings have nothing to do with grinding. It is the grinding noise directly. The transmission is syncronized. That means the gears are always in mesh, they just freewheel on the shaft. The shift fork moves the collar over gears to lock them together. The syncro ring matches the speed for you, so you don't have to speed match yourself.

The pointy teeth on top of the ring are what hold it in gear, and grinding the gears wears those pointed teeth so they are rounded. When that happens, your trans will pop out of gear easily.

This is true of all trans, and is not R series specific, like the shift fork problems.


T-virus infected
Thanks nick.
It just seems really funny i've never had 1 problem with my tranny.
Tried to leave the red light let off the clutch and it popped out of gear with a slight grind.
Figured I didnt have it in gear so I pushed the clutch back in pushed it into 1st and held it. Let off the clutch the grinding went on and it didnt want to stay in 1st.
:( time for a new R154

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Your welcome. I haven't taken yours apart, so I don't know what is wrong. But now you know what is supposed to hold the gear in place.


Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL
Nick M said:
Bullshit the syncro rings have nothing to do with grinding. It is the grinding noise directly. The transmission is syncronized. That means the gears are always in mesh, they just freewheel on the shaft. The shift fork moves the collar over gears to lock them together. The syncro ring matches the speed for you, so you don't have to speed match yourself.

The pointy teeth on top of the ring are what hold it in gear, and grinding the gears wears those pointed teeth so they are rounded. When that happens, your trans will pop out of gear easily.

This is true of all trans, and is not R series specific, like the shift fork problems.
so the syncros are causing it to pop out of gear.. i think not.. but thanks for playing..

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Well you need to think a little bit harder. The clutching teeth on top of the ring are what hold it in. Hence, the name "clutching teeth". This isn't debatable.

Perhaps you also missed this part.

me said:
I haven't taken yours apart, so I don't know what is wrong.
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