supra90turbo said:
Will: I played the shit out of the game to get enough money to buy those black cars in time. Unfortunately I was already pretty close, and had to "settle" for two of them. The 787B and the R92CP. Not to mention, with them, I won a "regular" 787B and R92CP :bigthumb:
everyone: POST MORE PICS !!!!
Damn thats shitty..... I have the Reg R92CP..... What race did you win to get the reg 787B?
What day are you on and how much money do you have? They go to day 700... If you have the time... Do a Nur 24 hr race( they use race cars.... So pick a fast car, but with good tire wear)... then sell the F-1 Prize car.... you'll get like 3 mill.
Haven't looked just yet--was spending time with my GF today

I'll find it tomorrow. OH and everyone look forward to seeing pics of her with her hands dirty
Yeah man, i know how that go's..... Well i am ready when you are... So whenever you get it.... Will do it... I found my old ass PS1 card, but i havent found my extra PS2 card.
My GF got mad at me last night cause i had a 24 hr race going (to win you the F-1 Car.... she was mad, cause she wanted to play MKDA but it was funny... then we had sex, So it was all good