bluepearl said:how much current is being passed on a lightly modded car? or stock for that matter? I want proof. Big being a relative term, what enhancements can i expect to see on a electrical system that the stock gauge wiring is used, if,in good condition? I will end this with we agree to disagree.
Oh, Stock guage wiring will work fine on a stock car if it's in very good shape.... but, under certain conditions it will act as a bottleneck (such as running the engine at high RPMs). Yes, 4GA is overkill, bigtime, but you're less likely to need to replace it. Even if a cable is capable of handling a certain load it doesn't mean it can handle rapid changes in that load efficiently. The thing is that any length of wire has a specific capacitance and response curve, just like capacitors, beyond those parameters the flow is disrupted and slowed. Personally I'd rather have grounds which can handle more than "normal driving conditions".
At anyrate, I did have some bad grounds and opted for the overkill option when replacing them. My car is more responsive, and my headlights no longer dim at idle.... good enough for me.