Date: Sunday May 31st, 11am - 5pm
Location: GRD Performance- 875 N. Ellsworth, Villa Park, IL 60181
What better way to show customer appreciation and celebrate the beginning of summer than having a kick off event.
The day’s agenda will include the following:
* Free Food!
* Live Music: Starter Kit, who is managed by our very own Chris will be performing (http://www.myspace.com/starterkitrock)
* Paintless Dent Removal (PDR)
* Dyno contest with prizes for the highest and lowest HP of the day (9-12 car limit)
* Raffle for various parts and services
* Video games
* Car Show
***We are also looking to have either Wheels of America or another similar vendor to pick up wheels to potentially do discounted wheel repair
(i know we all have some bent wheels after these brutal Chicago winters). Let me know who would be interested.***