Graduated Licence Program


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Isphius;1044811 said:
Yeah germany is crazy. I believe its against the law to drink or eat anything while driving there. I always said they should have a minimum height instead of age, and you should have to pass a vision, IQ/road knowledge test, and a very difficult driving test. That would keep most bad drivers off the road. And also a retest every few years(keep the old people off the road, if they cant pass the test why should they be allowed to drive?) I know i didnt deserve to have my license at 17 but luckily i made it out of some very stupid stuff without hurting myself or anyone else. I also lucky i didnt have any decently fast cars like ive had recently!

Germany's license program is VERY tough compared with the rest of the world.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
man thats bull i have done some stupid stuff driving you just gotta wait till no one is around im 17 and got my license 2 years ago this october and have only had one 2 car accident and that was in moms surburban because the master cylinder was bad and you had to pump the brakes to stop dang i knocked the shit out of a honda passport, and the only other thing i have done is put an 03 mustang GT vert into a guardrail in the rain but it was a puddle mixed with showin my ass in another state lol it scratcked the bumper and scratched the fake vent next to the passenger door and put a little ding in the back bumper where i counter steered and the ass end was still sliding from the wet road got the back better than the front


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
When I got my license (Western Australia) you had to be 16 years and 9 months to get your learners and you could not sit your practical test until your 17th birthday.

When you passed the practical you had to wear P plates for 12 months and could not exceed 90kmh or 0.00 BAC.

They've now tightened it up a bit, I think you can get your learners earlier, but still can't get your license till you're 17, and the time in between you're supposed to get up a heap of log booked hours.. Then you get to wear P plates for 2 years with similar restrictions as above..

(I believe you also have to pass a simulator test on basic skills and (more importantly) hazard perception before you're allowed to get your learners permit these days too)


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
SBM713;1047266 said:
man thats bull i have done some stupid stuff driving you just gotta wait till no one is around im 17 and got my license 2 years ago this october and have only had one 2 car accident and that was in moms surburban because the master cylinder was bad and you had to pump the brakes to stop dang i knocked the shit out of a honda passport, and the only other thing i have done is put an 03 mustang GT vert into a guardrail in the rain but it was a puddle mixed with showin my ass in another state lol it scratcked the bumper and scratched the fake vent next to the passenger door and put a little ding in the back bumper where i counter steered and the ass end was still sliding from the wet road got the back better than the front

This is EXACTLY why these more stringent and graduated programs are needed... Every young person who has an accident has a million and one excuses for why they are not at fault (myself included 7 years ago when I had an accident at 17), but it all comes down to lack of experience.


Evil Empire
Jan 13, 2008
Here in WI we have that sort of thing too, get your learners permit, gotta log hours (law says you do, but I proly only drove 2 or 3 times with my parents before I got my license, and didn't need to turn in any logs). Then you have the 6 month ultra probationary license, where you can only have one other person in the car and can't drive past 11pm-5am (unless its work/school related). After than you have a regular probationary where traffic violation points count double until you're 18 (In WI we have a 12 point and your out rule).

I like to keep my head out of my ass, most of the reason why my driving record is spotless(knock on wood) to date. But I too know a lot many people that shouldn't be allowed to drive. Granted I'm not a perfect driver, but I like to think I'm in the better half.


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
lilmissmkiii oh the suburban was a lack of experience i forgot to pump the brakes to stop it was basically the same feel as my chevy silverado interior wise so i wasnt paying attention to the brakes thought it was like my truck oh well but the mustang was 1/2 my fault and 1/2 weather i admitted it but yea kids will play and most like me will learn their lesson [well sort of i just dont try and drift in the rain on roads, i find parking lots now:] haha But i do understand what yall are saying because 3 of my friends wrecked within the first month of getting their license but ironicly most were at low speeds for not paying attention at least mine was 4 months before i messed up


Evil Empire
Jan 13, 2008
LilMissMkIII;1048001 said:
We only have 3 points on our probationary license, which means any offence and your license is suspended

My friend had more than the allowable offenses, but he bullshitted his way into turning two of them into speedometer malfunctions, and thus didn't receive any points.
Ya, WI is a little worse than most states in terms of what they will pull you over for. But sadly, our justice system lets drivers with 7-8 DUI's slide right through the system, hell even our prominent public officials get picked up for this shit. It's quite sad, really.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Fucking love the idea of that. It would keep the 16-18yr olds, in the STR4s or EVOs or WRXs that the parents bought, alive and me safer on the roads.

Isphius;1044811 said:
I believe its against the law to drink or eat anything while driving there.

IIRC, anything in your hand that can alter the ability to grasp the wheel is illegal. The only things that provisions are made for are tobacco related products (because they do not normally stop you from grabbing the wheel).