With your throttle needing to be open in order for it to idle, it could be that your ISCV is stuck, as mine was. Easy cheap fix too, just adjust the screw to the left of the throttle body to crack open the throttle just enough. Might raise your idle a bit (mine sits around 900-1000 most of the time), but nothing major, and keeps it running. I used the screw that controls the throttle bracket that the cruise control would use, if I had it.
As for your burning coolant, it sounds to me like one of the coolant pipes on back might not have the hose clamp tightened down, double check these. Be careful not to crush the pipe, but if those are loose (or not *on* far enough, as I've learned), they will leak a bit. Being near the turbos, there is a LOT of heat around there, so yes, it would burn it pretty easy.
Set your timing properly and get back on here, let us know if that helped the knocking. If not, my thoughts lead to exhaust leak, I have a pretty nasty one on my car...