tsuper92;1216722 said:
deabionni the way you quoted my post deleting some content, make's it contradickting.
LOL, you're right, but my explanation under that quote still holds true.
tsuper92;1216722 said:
if someone crash's into me,i don't see how or what's done to the car is going to prevent it.my car got rear ended the first week i had it.they looked at the vin,then checked the bumper out.if they insure it for 20k,they SHOULD take care of it.i've been using the same company forever and have given them a hell of alot of money over the year's.i know my car is a risk.i just pay my insurance and hope to never use it.
It's not about who's at fault, or how the accident happened. It's all about RISK, and how the modifications done to a vehicle affects that RISK.
Let's say you get rear ended in your stock Supra. The insurance company already has a pretty good idea how much damage the Supra will take, and how much of the force of the impact will be transferred to the passengers in the car. They already know everything they need to know, to determine the risk category the Supra falls under. Now let's say you lowered the vehicle. Now how much damage will the vehicle take, and how much force of the impact will be transferred to the passengers? Did lowering the vehicle change the way the Supra handles the impact?
That's just the tip of the iceberg of the questions a company has to answer for themselves should they chose to insure a vehicle that's been modified. To some companies, modifying a vehicle at all is a huge no no; and they'll refuse to insure a vehicle with any modifications. If you're insured with a company like that, and you modify your vehicle without telling them; they WILL VOID out your policy at the time of a claim. They can fault you for "concealment" if you modify the vehicle after you start the policy and don't tell them; or they can fault you for "misrepresentation" if the vehicle was modified at the time you took out a policy and didn't tell them.
In short, don't lie to or hide stuff from your insurance company; as it's not worth playing Russian Roulette if you need to file a claim. If you do lie or hide stuff from them, then you may as well pull out your policy and use it as toilet paper; as that's about all it will be worth.

Besides, why would anyone want to waste the money they're paying every month to an insurance company, if they're not completely sure they'll be covered? Seems kinda pointless to me....especially since the piece of mind is usually a phone call to your insurance agent away. Let them worry about how you're vehicle needs to be properly covered in the event of a loss. That's what they're there for, right?
More insurance fun facts: Delivering pizza, mail, or other goods or services with your vehicle also voids out your personal auto policy.