I had to sell my PS3. I will be getting another one when the MGS4 package comes out. I have DRO, and could probably play it at my friends house but.... I'm pretty sure any lag would ruin the game completely for me. I've been playing in tournies since Tekken 5 original came out day one in arcades.. and we'll I'm picky. I remember things down to the frames so anything that wouldn't work online would just be stupid. Tekken online is a good idea but I just don't see it working until everything is super duper fast. I will probably play you in person at a Supra meet sometime though

. I used to travel around to different states to play.. Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Michagan, Chicago ( but they love 2D's here... ) ect.. I would love to play people from new places.
Bryan is my main, but I also play : Drag, Wang, Paul really well. Slightly less well, Armor King... and even less well Jin, Roger, Anna. Jin kinda sucks... well mid-tier.
My arcade is one of the the very very few who is getting Tekken 6 ( So far only Texas, and Canada has it ). Sadly its not coming to US arcades.
Oh and I'm also the Bryan Fury forum moderator on tekkenziabatsu. It's pretty cool meeting people from outside the USA who said they love my crazy combo's

Oh and I forgot... I actually BETA tested DR. It was only at one location in the USA, in the Chicago area ( namco arcades hq is in chicago ). It was more of a location test, but I got to play it months early anyway
