Well I bought a 89 a couple of years ago. The guy I bought it from said it had a little knock in the engine. The car had been sitting for around 4 years. When I picked it up I tried to start it. Wasn't getting fuel. I figured the pump was bad. So we cheated and dumped fuel straight into the intake just to get it to fire. It did, had it running for 20 or 30 seconds, no knock. So i started to tear into the motor, found the infamous BHG, 3 frozen valves, and quite abit of water in the crankcase. I just decided it would be easier to buy a motor, I do still want to rebuild the old one, but I want the car on the road. I know I need a few other things, like motor mounts, an intercooler(old one was crushed) The body had a few dents and a few spots of rust, but I also bought a 88 N/A for parts. So pretty much I just want to get a stock motor to get the car on the road, for now. Ok I am rambling now, Hope you get the jist of it all....