So I was thinking Of Functionality today, and Among All the Body pieces available for the Mk3 one That I haven't seen on Any of the cars here on the forum (Unless Im Mistaken) is the Quarter Window Louvers. Now I was thinking of this Because Im considering a future project of Replacing the Rear quarters with Lexan, and then Running a Dual outlet Naca Duct as a Rear Brake cooler as well As a cooler for the LSD. So realistically That Might make The 5-0 a little suspicious But If I got a hand on Some replica or Factory Stock Window Louvers They Would Cover/Disguise The Naca Duct inlet and Lexan Quarters. Works for me. Does anyone Know where to get em, Who has em, etc. Maybe if We talked to Homeboy from Retro Spec they could make a CF mold? :naughty: