well i was driveing my car around a little today and all the suddon i noticed that my power kept flashing everyonce and a while so i pulled over and checked the battary cables they were fine. i drovr around a little more and realized it only did this when i het the breaks or hit the window switch i looked at the voltage gauge and it was fine. well i turned my car off and went into a friends house came back out and i had no power anywhere at all no lights or anything well i figured the battery must be bad well got it home and checked it with a volt tester 13.9 volts after i charged it for a few minutes hooked everything back up and still nothing checked all the fuses under the hood and everything is fine. looked around for lose connections and didnt find any. i dont know much about electrial problems or diegnoseing them any ideas this just seems funny and ive never heard anything like this.:1zhelp: