goo removal

3.0 GT

2JZ Holset Mafia
Nov 30, 2008
Franklin, Tn
i need some help on removing targa top trim peices that screw on both lefta nd right sides of the targa. it is held onto the targa with a black silicone/goo that is very sticky and does not come off easily at all. i ruined both of my origional trim peices removing them. i was wondering what kind of agent can eat this goo off so the trim falls right off. i have tried finger nail polish remover and gas to no luck. any help would be appreciated. thanks


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I believe they are designed to be replaced if they are ever removed. If I remember correctly, you have to cut the gasket to get to the screws that hold it down. If you search through the articles section, I believe there is a write up showing how to replace them. "Dylan's How-To" is I believe the 1st 3 words in the title. Go to articles, and search Targa seals. I hate posting the word search, it's so asinine! But that's the best I can do here.