Going to school. Sick of drunken vandalism, need suggestions for an alarm


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
Doward said:
I paid $50 for my '88 Honda Accord. Replaced the tires, a ball joint, and a clutch since I've had it. Insurance was $100 for the YEAR.

5 speed 2bbl carb - the car won't die.

Buy a beater, and leave the Supra in a safe place.

I am with you on that one. I paid 200 for my hatch civic with 77,000 miles on it and I have put 81,000 miles on it in two and half years. Plus i get between 30-40mpg and its like 22bucks for 400miles of driving..... Just a thought mr student.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
GUys, i have to take the car, i can't keep it any place at any house. It has to come with me. I want the alarm to prevent people from damaging, and if they do at one point for me to be alert about it to prevent more damage. A guy with a supra, 89+ red...real nice also goes to my school and he parks it on the street, i havn't seen any problems with it yet...i just want to be as safe as possible. Now, besides another beater car, any suggestions on an Alarm....since i don't think i've had even one suggestion yet


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
You still arent getting it..... There is nothing you can really do about people and their actions. I know a few people, that i dont hang with anymore, who would not think twice of drop kicking a car that was really nice meaning rimmed out, tinted windows, and a alarm. They would jump on it, kick it they even tipped over a few while the alarm was going off.

To me this sounds a like a fucking no brainer. Why dont you go to a place that installs alarms and radio stuff. They would be best people to ask your question. If you dont have one in your area go to a best buy, radio shack, fry's, hi-fi buys, circuit city etc.


In Pursuit of 500rwhp
Jul 16, 2005
Atlanta GA
I saw the car sitting in a random person front yard with no tag. He said the tranny was shot but when i took it a part it was the clutch :)


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
bountykilla0118 said:
They would be best people to ask your question.

I would prefer an answer from them :biglaugh: ...but i know what you mean.

The only reason a asked on here is one, b/c i figured a lot of you had some type of alarm system other than factory, two, so i could find out which one is most supra wiring friendly. Also i was looking for input of whatever alarm someone uses to know if its any good and worthwhile. Thats all. I'm not trying to argue, i know its a target and some people don't care about alarms, i'm just asking a simple question and would like a response other than "get a beater" since that doesn't answer my question at all.

Also, one other reason i want a better alarm is the car will be right outside my house majority of the time, which is almost always where the vandalism happens, parked at night with drunk people. if i can hear my alarm i can approach the problem much quicker than if i didn't even know anything was happening to my car. You can't argue that.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Nope, I have the stock alarm for now. I've been looking into the Autopage RS-1000 on ebay for some time now, and think I'll be going that route.

Yes, a two way pager alarm is nice - but it is a last ditch effort only. It takes only seconds to vandalize a car and get away from it - sure, you'll know about it sooner, but it won't stop it from happening.


WVU MAEngineering
Jun 12, 2007
Perkasie, PA
^thanks for the actual suggestion. I'll look into it. I know it only takes an instant to vandalize but vandalism at WVU is different in the fact they're drunk, and most of the time its not just your car as the target...its any car within striking range, one after the other after the other...i know this very well its happened quite a few times laster year on my street in which almost every car had its side mirrors knocked off...all in a line, over 12 of them. At least when/if they get to mine, that 12 may have haulted at only 3 or 4 by then.

Wayne G.

87Turbo 5sp Targa
Apr 19, 2005
Ditto on the beater -- got an 89 Corolla GTS for $900 the thing could get
40 MPG did not smoke and had a working CD player they are out there. Spare
yourself and the Supra unneccesary grief.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 21, 2007
I'd look at the Directed Electronics, Inc. Web site and go through their various systems to see what matches up to what you want.


I have been looking a lot recently at their Viper alarms, and that Web site lists ones ranging from the most basic to almost every option you could want.

I think all of theirs have the shock sensor that you're interested in.


Too soon Jr.
Jun 3, 2006
hold up guys. Mabye this is just my neck of the woods but stolen supras are much unheard of rather than Hondas.Honda's are stolen left and right here. I'm much worried about my 94 integra than my supra.


Jun 21, 2007
crrider80 said:
hold up guys. Mabye this is just my neck of the woods but stolen supras are much unheard of rather than Hondas.Honda's are stolen left and right here. I'm much worried about my 94 integra than my supra.

thats because most mkiii's either have BHG, rod knock, or down for a build, or a combination of the 3


New Member
Oct 16, 2005
Hollidaysburg PA
Is there any storage sheds near you. I freind of mine keeps his car in a storage shed buy my house because the street where he lives his cars are always getting hit and his garage is always getting broken into. So my suggestion is to get a storage shed and a beater if neccesary.


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
First of all it's really fucked up that this kid has to worry so much about some drunken punk ass motherfucker messing up his ride. WTF is wrong with people?

I keep hoping the next generation is going to be more evolved, but from what I see it just keeps going downhill. Devo!

Where are you going to school...New Jack City?

I'd consider transfering somewhere a little (alot) more civilized.

As far as the car goes, your best bet is a pager alarm and a safe enclosed place to park it. Maybe a shed, or rent someones unused garage. You can run an ad or post a "wanted garage to store and park my car".

You can only do so much. Find a school in a better neighborhood in a nicer place with nicer people (there's gotta be somewhere better than the shithole you've described). :3d_frown: