said:DON'T Invade Poland it ends badly![]()
Like this maybe? said:DON'T Invade Poland it ends badly![]()
CryoSlash said:Oh when you get there, tell them you're canadian, and not american... trust me lol.
Reign_Maker said:You have smart and stupid people everywhere... Even in Canadia...*I know I spelled Canadia wrong, lol*
tlo86 said:dont goto the clubs, i went to one was throwing up for days. and if the girl has a 5 o clock shadow dont let 'her' buy you a beer
Clueless said:huh?
Dont forget Brian Adams and Alanis Morriset...Junior said:btw: World: I apologize on behalf of Canada for Celine Dion, we're incredibly ashamed and won't ever let it happen again.
Reign_Maker said:You have smart and stupid people everywhere... Even in Canadia...*I know I spelled Canadia wrong, lol*
Reign_Maker said:German/American relations are one way or the other... They love you or dont... When I lived there, I had many german friends who really loved america and wanted to go and loved to talk to me about it... Some of the older Germans though, not so receptive to americans... They didnt like our bases in thier country, we were "occupiers" etc... Still pissed we smoked them in WW2 I guess...But at that time, when Germany was still split with East and West, the russians were itching to come over to the west and take it over, and thats exactly what would have happened had the U.S. just left... Honestly, if it werent for the "stupid" Americans, germans would be speaking Russian right now, or worse, French... Nothing bugs me more than these ungrateful people who think thier lives would be so much better with out America... We're so dumb, yet, they'll take our money, they'll take our protection, they'll take our support... Next to Germany, who is the highest purchaser of German automobiles? Stupid Americans... Who were the ones who got Russia to leave Germany and help Germany establish a new country under one border? Retarded Americans... "Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Ronald Reagan, one of those dumb Americans...
I know how it is, I was there... Bomb threats, protests, random acts of violence against American troups and civilians... They jumped on my mom's car and beat on it, ripping the antenae off and nearly smashing her windows before some police could help her out of the crowd... And why? Because she was an American...
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Germany! But with any group, you have some that just don't grasp reality too well...
France, thats a whole other story... :thumbsdow I didnt have one positive experience in France... If you gave me a ticket there, I would trade it for a ticket somewhere else...