ok Here is my dilema, Some people say O 1jz here i got the gm 3 bar to work with my setup on stock ecu but no one is specific on HOW they got it to work
Stock MAP Sensor Readings & Settings on SAFC
What i see when I turn the car on monitor with stock MAP
Sensor Type for Stock MAP
Sensor Check on Stock MAP
Now GM 3 Bar with sensor type 1 / 1
Its already reading it as if it was boosting...
Sensor check - Difference of GM is it reads nearly 5 volts on the "in" line to the safc compared to the 2.xx on the stock map
Change to 2, 3, 4 and all look similar to the pic above
i go to 5 and it looks like this
Still in positive pressure with 5/1 sensor type
I finally get to 7/1 and it looks like this
with the above setup at 7/1 car idles good (small vac leak.. i usually see -480/-500)
I was just wondering if anyone else will shsare there settings with the GM MAP on a SAFC?
Also, i hear some people saying you can raise FC on the stock MAp and that you've done 22 psi on stock map. HOW?????????? I'm htiting cut @ 14.7 on the nose