Glove Box Stuck

Silver MK3

New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Madison, AL
So on Saturday I opened my glove box to get something out, and it wouldn't close. So I was messing with it last night trying to figure it out and I realized that when the handle was squezed together, it wasn't moving latch that grabs onto the striker. I took of the two left screws on the plate that covers the hande and latching mechanism, and was looking in there and poking around. I then tried to close the glove box and it closed, but now it is stuck in the closed position.:: angry :: I know that it is not locked. I took off the kick plate that is under the glove box and I took out the screws for the glove box hinges. I can lift up the cover that goes over the latch(since I took out the two left screws) and barely see the white plastic key barrel on the handle, and I can also barely see the latch that grabs onto the striker.

Is there anyway for me to get the glove box open without cutting the striker off with a hacksaw?

Also, once I do get the glove box open, what could possibly be wrong with it not closing or opening and acting up the way it is?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or answers,



Dec 30, 2009
Regina, SK
Hmm not sure on getting it open but once you do, right where the latch is on the inside part of the glove box where the car specs are kinda thing, take the 4 screws out and see if the rod is still attached or if it's still even bolted on. Took mine off and one nut that hold the latch was half off the other totally off.


Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
Yea, I just replaced mine. I had to pry the glove box down (bending the mount the metal bar on the dash is mounted to). I got it to a point where I could loosen the two screws on the metal bar. To do that you need just the right amount of pressure so you don’t trash your dash. I banked on replacing the glove box from the beginning, and it was good I did, because to get the screw driver to turn the screws out I had to leave some very noticeable dents in the old glove box face.

Turns out the white plastic "cam" had a chunk worn down so the release wouldn’t turn the arm to pop the lock open. I replaced the white "cam" with the one from the new glove box, so I could keep my lock cylinder. I then bent the mounting tab for the metal bar back up and "adjusted" it so the glove box would close and release easy (I have the 1UZ-FE ECU in the glove box, so it was difficult to close).


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Hmm, has no one suggested using the key to try opening the glovebox? I know they can act funny, but I've never failed to open mine with the key...

Silver MK3

New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Madison, AL
Thanks for all of the answers guys. I've spent a while trying to get into the glove box various differnt ways. I tried the key in several different positions, while trying to open the glove box. I tried to pull the latch open with a coat hanger, and I tried to get into the glove box from behind. All of these were unsuccesful attempts. I'm pretty sure that it is something on the internal mechanism that is broken like the plastic cam and connecting rod that were mentioned, and not the key. I would also like to stay away from anything that would damage my glove box, since it is in mint condition. I am probably going to end up having to cut out the metal loop striker thing even though I would rather not. Then I can get the glove box out and take it apart to see what the problem is. It also appears that all of the parts, aside from the metal loop that probably needs to be cut, have been discontinued by Toyota. Hopefully if I need parts, I can find used ones in good shape, if I can not get new OEM parts.

If anyone has any other suggestions or comment on what to do I would love to hear them.



Silver MK3

New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Madison, AL
I was able to get into my glove box today! It was good that I had the two left screws on the latch cover off, becasue this allowed me enough room to get a coat hanger in there and pull the rod that links the handle and latch. I took the glove box off and inside and I saw nothiong wrong with it at all. Nothing was broken, there were no nuts missing or lose, or worn plastic parts. I really have no clue what the problem was. When the glove box was still on the car and wouldn't open there was really no tension or resistance on the handle when you squezzed it. Once it was off the car it worked perfectly and had tension. All I ended up doing was putting some graphite in the lock, then put the glove box back in. I did leave the plastic cover that goes over the latch mechanism off for now though, just incase it decides to stop working again, this way it will be easier to get in.

Thanks again for the responses.