JMDigital said:Today I went to pick up lunch. Went to MOES! While I was there these 2 girls abut 17 or 18 at the most were trying to find out who left keys on a table. They were the classic Blonde cheerleader type in way to short shorts that would send someone like me to jail if I even looked at them longer then a few seconds.
They came up to me and said "Sir, are these your keys"
I looked down at my keys that I was holding and that they could see! and said no.. and went on with my purchase. Then I got in the car and it hit me. I have become a SIR!! I get into my car from 1990 and drive to my house and eat my lunch .
So 2 17 - 18 year old girls assumed I was a SIR , they were trying to respect their elders. I AM ONLY 35!!
LOL, they asked you because you look like you're old enough to forget them