Getting older....


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
JMDigital said:
Today I went to pick up lunch. Went to MOES! While I was there these 2 girls abut 17 or 18 at the most were trying to find out who left keys on a table. They were the classic Blonde cheerleader type in way to short shorts that would send someone like me to jail if I even looked at them longer then a few seconds.

They came up to me and said "Sir, are these your keys"

I looked down at my keys that I was holding and that they could see! and said no.. and went on with my purchase. Then I got in the car and it hit me. I have become a SIR!! I get into my car from 1990 and drive to my house and eat my lunch .

So 2 17 - 18 year old girls assumed I was a SIR , they were trying to respect their elders. I AM ONLY 35!!


arg.... :(

LOL, they asked you because you look like you're old enough to forget them :p


Occasional Peruser
AF1JZ said:
I'm 25 and get the "Sir" all the time. I'm Air Force obviously and a Staff Sargeant. So, anyone that's E-4 and below usually say Sir to me. Usually makes me smile because....They are respecting my authori-tah (cartman voice)

You Chair Farce guys are always doin' shit backwards.... :sarcasm: over here in the Navy, we only say 'Sir' to Civilians or Officers.... :biglaugh:


Occasional Peruser
JMDigital said:
Well thats diffrent!! haha , I would think that you have earned the "SIR" , and you smile because you have worked hard to get there. I just had to live for 35 years.

Its was more the way they did it, you could tell by looking at them they were thinking "Lets ask that OLD GUY"

oh well.. im over it now.. Hopefully there are some positive things to being a sir! them, you are old....LOL! Think back to when you were 17/18....was 35 considered young to you? Hell no, someone that old was half-dead! :biglaugh:


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
i'm bad, i'm nationwide
i feel for ya man

my 33rd was wednesday.

i'm finding greys in my beard, the wife was finding em in my hair. the g/f insists that i really havn't lost a half inch of hairline in the last 6 months, and i have these permanant bags under my eyes now..

holy fuck i've hit the wall at 33

and the other day a twenty-young chick looket at me with that "eewww old guy" look

of coure i was staring at her chesticles


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
bigaaron said:
The only way you would know you are old is if when they approached you, you didn't think for at least a second what it would be like to do both of those chicks at the same time.


I say sir to anyone who looks over 25 (im 19). And i call women sir too, (without thinking and then laughing about it after)


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
I was taught to say sir and mam to people older than I am. So for me it's a way of showing respect to them untill they prove other wise.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
bigaaron said:
The only way you would know you are old is if when they approached you, you didn't think for at least a second what it would be like to do both of those chicks at the same time.

That doesn't really happen.... ... ... does it? :icon_sad: