yea a loan shark,
or put something valuable down as collateral, just be carefull.
after you get past this finacial step and you can afford to, do this.
save up $1000 cash, put in in your dresser droor then go to bank, get a loan, cosign if you have to, 1st payment make the minimum payment (shows your likely to do this so credit company add a few points to coax you into debt) after you have made a minimum payment take your $1k and pay the thing off, viola +1 to your reputation,
next find a DIFFERENT bank and repeat in all you will probably lose like $50 if you do this like 5 times. but your credit score will jump, (assuming your not in debt at the moment and your not skipping on ANY bills)
after that, get your bank accnt, credit card, and use your credit card like a debit card, note the term (DEBIT) only spend what you HAVE in the bank account, and set up and auto withdrawl from your checking to your credit company bill.
do this for a while, and wach yourself and your credit will climb, it takes time, ya gotta EARN credit.