I got pulled over for "running a red". The cop told me that, so I told him that I felt that was a matter of his opinion, becasue from where I was, I didn feel it was safe for me to stop. Having 3 hot coffees on the passanger seat didnt exactly give me any extra encouragement to spike the brakes either. Anyways, he replied to my "matter of opinion" comment with a "no, you ran a red light, you were speeding and thats a fact" I calmly reminded him that " Its only a fact if you can proove it in court" I didnt get a ticket, just a verbal warning.
About a week later, I pulled a dumb fuck move and burned through 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gear, up to about 180km/h in a 90km/h zone. No one around, except for the cop, who in all fairness I thought was my friend in my Tacoma. The cop asked what I was doing, and I told him that I havent driven my car in over 2 years, and I was "just getting a feel for what it can do" He did a road side inspection, which I managed to somehow pass with my cat-converter sitting in the hatch area. And I was on my way with another verbal warning