A good thing would be to meetup at the next Riverstone Cruise In -- next one is on April 21st:
Every 3rd Saturday from 2PM until dark @ 2200 Riverstone Blvd. Canton, GA 30144
Literally hundreds of hot rods and modified cars show up every month.
To give you an idea:

$5 to enter your car in the show. Free to just show up and see some incredible rides and meet hundreds of very cool car guys without putting up with the punks that show up at some of the other shit meets I've been to around this town...
I'll probably bring the hardttop up there on the 21st.
Every 3rd Saturday from 2PM until dark @ 2200 Riverstone Blvd. Canton, GA 30144
Literally hundreds of hot rods and modified cars show up every month.
To give you an idea:

$5 to enter your car in the show. Free to just show up and see some incredible rides and meet hundreds of very cool car guys without putting up with the punks that show up at some of the other shit meets I've been to around this town...
I'll probably bring the hardttop up there on the 21st.