Generation 'Y'


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
j3pz;1026765 said:
thats a ignorant remark one of us "gen Y's" would make :3d_frown: you know that phrase you hear your older counterparts say, something like "dont judge a book by its cover?"

The days are rapidly changing, and that phrase is becoming null.
When I see a "scene kid" walking around, I don't really care how unique and complex they may be on the inside, no matter how much they want to broadcast how complex and unique they are on the outside.


still learning
drunk_medic;1027012 said:
The days are rapidly changing, and that phrase is becoming null.
When I see a "scene kid" walking around, I don't really care how unique and complex they may be on the inside, no matter how much they want to broadcast how complex and unique they are on the outside.

yes days are changing, as is the generation, but that doesnt mean we all fit in the same boat. you cant tell me that there isnt a single exception, and if there is, there are more. your reply is just as ignorant as mkIIIman's. as for the phrase, i dont believe it will ever be null; there is always more to a person then meets the eye


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
j3pz;1028062 said:
there is always more to a person then meets the eye

That doesn't make it worth knowing, or accepting.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I love that de-motovational picture, but in all honesty, the whole don't judge a book by its cover still holds a bit of truth. I've always been the type that follows the "actions speak louder than words". People can think of what they want about how I dress or look, but thats their beef if they are to stuck up to get to know me, then O well, I'm not going to whine and cry because of it.


Probably posts too much
Apr 17, 2005
Charlotte, NC
DreamerTheresa;1024243 said:
I think that generation is going to run this country into the ground.

“This youth is rotten from the bottom of their heart. The young people are malicious and lazy. They will never be as youth was before. Our today’s youth will never be able to maintain our culture."
-Written on clay pots from ancient Babylon circa 1000 BC.

“Youth today love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, no respect for older people and talk nonsense when they should work. Young people do not stand up any longer when adults enter the room. They contradict their parents, talk too much in company, guzzle their food, lay their legs on the table and tyrannize their elders.”
-Socrates circa. 500 BC. A complaint about the young people in Athens

Same old song and dance, elder person :)


Boostin USA
Apr 9, 2007
Harford County, Maryland
Nocheez;1028263 said:
“This youth is rotten from the bottom of their heart. The young people are malicious and lazy. They will never be as youth was before. Our today’s youth will never be able to maintain our culture."
-Written on clay pots from ancient Babylon circa 1000 BC.

“Youth today love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, no respect for older people and talk nonsense when they should work. Young people do not stand up any longer when adults enter the room. They contradict their parents, talk too much in company, guzzle their food, lay their legs on the table and tyrannize their elders.”
-Socrates circa. 500 BC. A complaint about the young people in Athens

Same old song and dance, elder person :)

yeah, but this is different......:sarcasm:

nice quotes.


Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
I feel that i was raised well, i respect adults, i still find it hard to say "bad" words in front of people older than me, even my older friends. Ive never once talked back to my parents, a cop, or a boss, EVER. But that never stopped me from doing whatever i wanted and dropping out of college and got kicked out of my house, quitting every job i didnt like, etc. Its just that Ive never went through hard times. Nothing has ever been hard for me. Not school, making money, anything. That is the clincher in my opinion. Hard times just make you different. And i agree. So many kids now(younger and older than me) act like society owes them something and everyone owes them respect. I was always raised that respect goes up, not down. You have to earn respect. Im not quite sure why, but that doesnt seem to work anymore


still learning
drunk_medic;1028226 said:
That doesn't make it worth knowing, or accepting.

so basicly the whole going to college, work, blah, blah isnt accepted or worth knowing anymore. damn why try then? isnt that stuff the older crowds liked? well if thats how you feel then you have a hard time ahead of you according to the op's link/quote


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
j3pz;1028476 said:
so basicly the whole going to college, work, blah, blah isnt accepted or worth knowing anymore. damn why try then? isnt that stuff the older crowds liked? well if thats how you feel then you have a hard time ahead of you according to the op's link/quote

You are saying that I should go out of my way to be kind to people based upon the fact that they are "different and unique" looking? I have a hard time accepting "regular-looking" people. Put yourself in the shoes of an employer. Unless there is an impressive resume on the table, are you going to hire the "plugged-in" kid with tattoos who looks like he spent an hour trying to make his hair look like he put gel in it before he went to sleep?

If you can't see why the older generations would have little faith for the world to be kept well in the hands of THE STEREOTYPICAL Gen-Y kid/young-adult, you are either WAY too willing to gamble precious things with strangers or you are "one of them". It may be a great dream, to be able to dress however you would like. The reality is, most people wouldn't want someone who "dresses like they care very much to look like they don't care" to work for and represent their company in anything short of retail. Say hello to coffee-houses, music stores and Hot Topic.

I'm not talking about what the OP linked. I realize that your age group has a problem with paying attention, what with the ADD epidemic of your generation, but please try to keep up. The OP linked how they will change THE WEB. Starting from posts on the same page and continuing to the end of the topic this far has mostly been referring to, and criticizing how they will change THE WORLD.

Please fix your punctuation and grammar. You are falling into that bad category of people who are either lazy, unintelligent, or who simply do not care. How are lazy, unintelligent, careless people going to change THE WORLD [not "the web"] for the better? Tell me, why should I trust or respect you? I think that there is a big hurdle that individuals from any generation MUST clear before they will EARN any real respect. Remember that anything worth having is truly worth the required effort. People are quickly forgetting this in today's world of instant gratification.


Apr 24, 2007
Macon, GA
You're just all old. Get over it.

"If youth is the season of hope, it is often so only in the sense that our elders are hopeful about us."

"The foundation of every state is the education of its youth."

Get over yourselves. You were young at some point and you also don't remeber what it was like when you were young and your elders put you down on your beliefs. As the generations grow older, things change.
Hence, "Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young."

Young folks will come up with new ideas that work. Just as your generation did. It's just the fact of life. People do not live forever. Now that I think about it, does it really matter anyway? The only reason we(humans) are here is just because something happened at the right time on the right rock, floating around the Sun. One day humans will not exist, just like the dinosaurs..

You people talking about how "our generation" is going to kill the universe is just plain ignorance. Yes perhaps our generation is too young and ignorant to know proper grammar sometimes. Thats okay though, because one day we will raise up and overcome the "normal population" of "Gen. Y."
The population that you guys speak of is only a small percentage of "Gen. Y." The rest of us will become just like the rest of you "elders." Damning the young and dumb.
Eric- also young and dumb :)flame suit on: )


still learning
im not asking you to accept or like anybody. maybe i misunderstood your point, it just sounds if you will not accept someone from our generation soley based that they fall into this stereotype. in my book that is the definition of prejudice, however im sure thats not the case.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
From a Gen Xer (sorta)

Generation Y Has No Culture
Published by Kevin on May 20, 2008 in Things I Think About. Tags: cultural production, eric neiss, fall out boy, generation x, generation y, kevin powell, kevin smith, real world, reality bites, Singles, Wyonna Rider.

One subject that I have always been interested in is the cultural impact of generations. Each generation brings different changes to the cultural landscape and leaves a lasting impact. Well… except for generation Y or “generation whine” as some cynical experts call it.

First let me define what generation Y is. Gen Y is basically includes anyone that was born after 1981. The previous generation, Gen X, is anyone that graduated high school in the 1980s. (Which puts me in this odd category because I don’t fall into either group. This allows me to criticize both without having to take sides, which is a nice bonus.)

Most of the criticisms of Gen Y are that they are distracted (always multitasking but never doing a good job), feel a sense of entitlement, they are the most marketed to generation ever (not only do they accept it, they relish in it), have chosen to date or have sex with me (which says something about their taste), and there is a gaping void when it comes to cultural contributions. I feel the first couple of points can be debated because they always seem like a typical swipe at younger generation that happens every few years. The one I want to look at is the cultural contributions because you can see some real issues there.


Generation X: Grunge, Hip-hop, and Indie Rock
There really is no debate about the lasting contributions of the music of this era. Although everyone want to distance themselves from Vanilla Ice, which everyone in generation x agrees about.

Generation Y: Pop punk?

(Fall Out Boy doesn’t make me want to beat it… )

Gen Y’s music can be defined as wholly unoriginal and the band Fall Out Boy personifies it. They aren’t original enough to come up with their own video concepts; they have to adapt stuff that was created by the generation before them. Their pop music is prepackaged Disney stars that are created by a massive marketing machine. There is no real movement here, mostly co-opting the culture of the previous two generations.


reality bites

Generation X: Kevin Smith, Reality Bites, Singles
Gen X had movies and filmmakers that helped define a generation. We are all lazy, mistrusting, weed smoking, coffee swilling, cynical smart asses… I have come to accept that personification. Oh and we all want to bang a young Wynonna Rider.

Generation Y: All those crappy comedy parody films
The comedies that are created for teens aren’t even original to come up with their own ideas. It is all prepackaged pop culture references jammed into 90 minutes. I’ll even give you Juno and you still just have a shit load of pop culture references and nothing that defines that generation.

Reality Television

Generation X: The Original Real World
We gave you a show that talked about race. That had Kevin Powell who is going on and running for Congress. Musicians who actually put out music and got signed by labels like Becky, Heather B, and Andre. Plus a founder of Gay Entertainment television. And who can forget Eric Neiss who brought us… um… uh… excellent aerobics shows?

the grind

Generation Y: The Hills and the Real World Hollywood

It isn’t a good sign that even Gen Y’s reality television turned out to be scripted and fake. Plus when you look at the shift generationally from the first few Real World seasons to the last few where the shows just include attention whores and people that want to be famous for being famous… Well it isn’t a good sign.

real world stripper

Although it did bring us the greatest episode of the Real World ever that included court, strip clubs, a guy going to rehab, threats to roommates, some of the most pointless conversation ever, and possibly cemented this cast as the one I have the most disdain for ever. So I guess I need to give them points for that.

Where does this place Gen Y? Are they just going to be known for the mash-up? Combining the cultural production of others into their own products?

Has Gen Y produced anything of value?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
D34DC311;1028721 said:
From a Gen Xer (sorta)

Man, what the fuck? You have to be kidding me!

Music: Look at the revival of Rock music. This alternative whiny emo shit will NOT go down as 'Gen Ys musical revolution' - Rock and roll, on the other hand, WILL (obviously, this is subjective speak, not objective). Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, Godsmack, etc.

Reality TV: You can't necessarily market that to the Gen Y club, overall. I say this because I feel the majority of my fellow Gen Y people are all over the place - online, texting one another, phoning on the go, etc. We're everywhere at once - so it's hard to pin down exactly where we all are at one given point. Think of us as electrons ;)

Movies: Have you been to the theaters at all? Terminator 2, Iron Man, Transformers, Saving Private Ryan, The Fifth Element, etc.

Just because the BS comedy parodies are 'new' - don't apply them as all that Gen Y has offered. We're evolving what Gen X brought to the table, in new ways. Look at Pixar, for example.

My biggest problem with my generation, is the sheep attitude, and this feeling of entitlement.

Nobody 'owes' me a damn thing. The only person that owes me anything, is myself. I owe it to myself to invest into my future, and my family's future.

I am seriously worried about a socialist-styled revolution in the coming years.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Doward;1028855 said:
Man, what the fuck? You have to be kidding me!

Music: Look at the revival of Rock music. This alternative whiny emo shit will NOT go down as 'Gen Ys musical revolution' - Rock and roll, on the other hand, WILL (obviously, this is subjective speak, not objective). Korn, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, Godsmack, etc.

Reality TV: You can't necessarily market that to the Gen Y club, overall. I say this because I feel the majority of my fellow Gen Y people are all over the place - online, texting one another, phoning on the go, etc. We're everywhere at once - so it's hard to pin down exactly where we all are at one given point. Think of us as electrons ;)

Movies: Have you been to the theaters at all? Terminator 2, Iron Man, Transformers, Saving Private Ryan, The Fifth Element, etc.

Just because the BS comedy parodies are 'new' - don't apply them as all that Gen Y has offered. We're evolving what Gen X brought to the table, in new ways. Look at Pixar, for example.

My biggest problem with my generation, is the sheep attitude, and this feeling of entitlement.

Nobody 'owes' me a damn thing. The only person that owes me anything, is myself. I owe it to myself to invest into my future, and my family's future.

I am seriously worried about a socialist-styled revolution in the coming years.

LOL, I thought it was a joke too, but it was on topic so I posted it.


Boostin USA
Apr 9, 2007
Harford County, Maryland
"Gen Y basically includes anyone that was born after 1981. The previous generation, Gen X, is anyone that graduated high school in the 1980s. (Which puts me in this odd category because I don’t fall into either group."

This goes for me as well. Numerous Gen Y things apply to me such as the digital side ( I upgraded a 386 computer into a Pentium gaming rig with my own money when I was just a young lad) and I read this thread the other night on my laptop at the dinner table while "listening" to TV. I love technology and I multitask a lot (sometimes too much, so I try to be careful about it at work).

However, many Gen X things apply to me such as the music, movies and TV amongst others.

So do I belong to Gen X.5 ??? Somebody claim me, its cold and lonely in this void between the generations.....


still learning
ok drunk_medic, as a generation, how can we improve ourselves to your standards.

i dont know if you were referring to my punctuation and grammer directly but in case you havent noticed, our language is changing too. it happened before when we came over the atlantic from that little island over there. as long as you can understand me and my point is reached, whats wrong with that?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
j3pz;1029068 said:
ok drunk_medic, as a generation, how can we improve ourselves to your standards.

i dont know if you were referring to my punctuation and grammer directly but in case you havent noticed, our language is changing too. it happened before when we came over the atlantic from that little island over there. as long as you can understand me and my point is reached, whats wrong with that?

Lack of proper punctuation and grammar gives the reader (much as anything written will do) the impression that the writer is either uneducated, ignorant, or simply doesn't care to portray their idea in a clear, concise manner to their audience.

That said, in today's age of texting, lack of grammar/punctuation also portrays simple laziness.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
Doward;1029298 said:
Lack of proper punctuation and grammar gives the reader (much as anything written will do) the impression that the writer is either uneducated, ignorant, or simply doesn't care to portray their idea in a clear, concise manner to their audience.

That said, in today's age of texting, lack of grammar/punctuation also portrays simple laziness.

I agree with you fully. I might add an extra period or two sometimes, but I do not short type. Half the stuff people stay, for example FMIC, I have absolutely no clue what it means. To me, it means Front Mount InterCooler. Who knows now-a-days. Though I agree with you, you can not just blame texting. Its the biggest culprit for improper grammar in written form. You will have to also single out ebonics (listen to rap music some time) for poor spoken word. You also have to factor in how people speak in certain parts of the country. You All for example.. People in the North West are more apt to say "You All".You go to Texas, its "Y'all". Its something that is a learned behavior from previous generations. Granted, I dont text much, and if I do, its full sentences and words. If it wasnt, I'd get lost! I'm a member of Gen Y too. We, here in America, dont actually have an official language. We have a "natural" language known as American English. Over the years, we've added so much slang to our every day conversations, that its hard for people to learn our language. Languages evolve. New words are encompassed into our every day vocabulary and become part of our native spoken word. There are still words used today in our language that were "Hip", "Groovy" and "Dynomite" in their day.:sarcasm:


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Doward;1029298 said:
Lack of proper punctuation and grammar gives the reader (much as anything written will do) the impression that the writer is either uneducated, ignorant, or simply doesn't care to portray their idea in a clear, concise manner to their audience.

That is a double edged sword. One could just as easily make the arguement that the reader is just as responsible as the writer for making sure that communication takes place. Communication can be defined as an idea transmitted and recieved. Without either part communication breaks down. Dismissing someone simply because they dont conform to your expectations or self enforced rules of communication is a mistake. Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Amadeus Mozart all had learning disabilities and went on to contribute great things to society via vehicles other than written language.

There have been many writers throughout history that used irregular phrasing, punctuation and spelling to convey an idea or set a tone. While Im not suggesting that the average post on this or any other forum could be considered literature, I am attempting to open your eyes to the fact that all forms of communication are relevant and simply because it doesnt conform to your standard does not mean you can simply dismiss it. Some people simply lack the skills to write clear, concise, properly punctuated english while others write that way as a means to convey an attitude or personality. I feel the reader is just as responsible to ensure communication takes place as the writer is.

Much of the shortened freestyle text speech of the internet and messenging services has evolved for good reason. The need to insert inflection, attitude and body language exists as way to suppliment what was lost when we stopped communicating face to face (exactly what we are doing here on this forum). Much of it actually adds to our ability to convey thoughts, feelings and personality on an otherwise impersonal medium. Pointing out gross spelling mistakes and the occasional fragmented sentence as a way to "one up" a previous poster is no less childish than yelling "I know you are but what am I!" when you were face to face with that kid in back 3rd grade.

I dont know what this has to do with the OP and this isnt directed at you personally Doward, but I felt like interjecting a few thoughts of my own in this thread, so I did.

To answer the quote at the top directly; impressions are often wrong, such as was my impression of Nashman my first month on this forum.