Now, i have a vast and annoying garden (4 acres) - trying to keep it tidy is a full time job. However, i have one particular tree that has another plant growing through it - it's almost like a vine - its tough, but supple and has wrapped itself around the trunk, the branches - almost nowhere on the tree has been untouched, and it's being slowly smothered by whatever the hell this stuff is.
I attacked it with a set of pruning shears this morning, and cut almost all the ties to the main plant - in the hope that it'll die off but there are some tendrils that go right to the top of the tree, out of my reach. What the hell kind of plant is this? It grows insanely fast and gets EVERYWHERE - it's already starting to stifle one of the other bushes in the same garden spot.
I attacked it with a set of pruning shears this morning, and cut almost all the ties to the main plant - in the hope that it'll die off but there are some tendrils that go right to the top of the tree, out of my reach. What the hell kind of plant is this? It grows insanely fast and gets EVERYWHERE - it's already starting to stifle one of the other bushes in the same garden spot.