under $5k AWD turbo?
Do what i did and get an Audi 5000 CSQuattro. Get one w/ lower miles, if you hunt hard enough you can find one. Mine had 220k miles on it so it had a few worn out parts.
Needless to say its AMAZING in the snow being a Quattro, Amazing fuel milage, something like 24mpg in town and i got something arround 32 on the highway, its got a small turbo on it but you can fiddle w/ the wg. and get up to 1.8 bar of boost

. Amazing car for taking it up in the twisties, I can honestly say i didnt learn how to drive stick shift until i got that car because you can do pretty much anything in it, especially in the snow.
I got mine for $800 and i blew the headgasket and fixed it in 1 night. + it was beat to shit.
Find a good condition one, in really good condition, maybe $1500-$2000 and you'll have one hell of a 4wd turbo saloon w/ good snow potential and reliability. Not so great going down the 1320 but will hold its own in the mountains, especially if there is snow and ice involved.