theWeezL;1033093 said:
doesnt have to be that high, not so high you can stand under, just high enough to sit under. About 4.5 to 5 ft works. If you are the kind of person that like to "roll outta bed" its NOT a good idea, lol
good point. I was imagining it as quite a bit higher...
The last time I contemplated a bunk bed, years and years ago, they WERE at head level. Now my head is several feet higher and i morphed reality to fit.
meaning...when you told me that idea, i was stupidly imagining having to carry my tired ass 6 feet up a ladder every night.
hell if it was a few feet above my desk i could get a bit of a hop skip and launch myself carefully into bed.... but i have no idea if i would or would not roll out in my sleep.
MKIIINA - thanks for the info that was an interesting read.
If I do get a futon, it will be a good matress, and long. if i do the crazy bunkness...well....i'll have a bunk. otherwise i think i'm going to organize the removal of my couch and get a couple beanbags (easily stackable for storage when not in use :naughty

I trust beanbags are made to a relatively safe standard in terms of fire, right? heh.
I find it ironic that I wanted to see if a futon would hurt my back and now i'm contemplating the use of beanbags, which are notoriously bad for thy spine....or so i've been told.