Funny story for the week


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
well when you guys made the trade when you gave the title dont you give him a signed slip then mail another portion to the dmv. if you mailed that portion taht comes with your title on the bottome the dmv will recognize that yes its still in your name but its been sold to the other guy and is just awaiting verificatino from other dude to change over title. so if he signed that thing during the sale your pretty much off the hook if he goes off and runs over like 20 kids.

well thats the case in washington state atleast.


"The Duck"
Mar 30, 2005
Knoxville, TN
In the case of truly abandoned property, the first person to claim it has rights to it. So, if he did, indeed, abandon the vehicle, you have first rights to the automobile.

Business Law was a hard class, but I learned a lot. :)



Remember SOGI? I do
Apr 1, 2005
Starkville, MS
he was going to have to pay the impound fee anyway.

so why not you own it instead of letting the impound lot profit from it. i freaking HATE HATE HATE impound lots!!

P.S. i would keep as a daily driver. or just to autox sometimes.


"The Boss"
Apr 1, 2005
Hey Supradupra, Do you have a second car?
I would buy a cheap beater with the proceeds of the rex.
Hell, I just bought an HF for a DD.
The thing with supras is that when they break, they don't run, and then you're screwed.
I'd get a beater so that when you do that afternoon headgasket, you have a car to drive around when it takes a week.
But yeah, that kid is a dumbass.
I once came really close to acquiring an 87 N/A through the "abandoned property" laws.
Jumping through all of the hoops eventually contacted the owner, who left the car for 5 years. and he came and picked it up. Bastard.
But seriously, you better have a cheap get around car...


I have a second car, it's my wife's odyssey, but i've thought about having a beater car too... I don't really have anywhere to go except to school, and I have 3 guys who live near me that I can ride with if I need, but still, the idea of a free beater is nice too... I just haven't made up my mind... In any case, what I've found out thru a lawyer friend of mine is that if he does not ever come back to get it, or claim it, or whatever, I can sell it under what's called Common Law Conversion, which is where you have possession of property, even though you may not have a right to it. In that case, the law allows a person to sell the property for what he has into it. Therefore, if I sell it, the law really doesn't allow me to make a profit on it. However, that doesn't mean that I can't "sell" it to a friend, who could theoretically "sell" it for whatever profit he wants... :wink: :wink: :nod:


rip ssb
Mar 30, 2005
melbourne, fl
also if he does come back lets say in a few weeks or months to claim it charge him storage fees. same as the tow yard $20-50 a day. this way if he wants it back he would have to pay you as much as the car is worth to get it out its a win-win deal for you.


streetknight said:
if he wants it back he would have to pay you as much as the car is worth to get it out its a win-win deal for you.

Werd. I think that what I'm already charging him, or even just what it would have cost to get it out of impound, is more than this guy can afford. I seriously think he's just a punk "just-out-of-high-schooler" who isn't really paying attention to what's going on and tries to skate by for free on whatever he can... I dunno what's goin on in his head...

Oh, btw, the certified letter got picked up yesterday, so we'll see what happens. I doubt he'll even call. Oh well. His loss. I can't babysit him and his car issues.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
My buddy does that crapp with his car all the time. I REALLY don't like riding with him because he doesn't carry the title showing that he bought it, doesn't have it plated in his name, doesn't have it insured... I felt like a rebel driving mine around the block like this (had to see if it ran), but I think he's going on... 2 months or so like this. And the Suburban I bought off him, I hear he drove for almost a year like that. Hmm... I wonder why my insurance rates keep going up? Maybe people like that have something to do with it? I still say people who can't, or won't, pay the $50-$100/month bill for insurance shouldn't have the right to drive. If it's sky-high from tickets, wouldn't that kinda be their own fault?

My dad did make $1000 off of an unisured motorist though, told him to pay up, or he'll be locked up. Needless to say, the guy had the money at our front door the next day. Not bad for an old POS Ford worth a couple hundred bucks. But still, if I have to pay for the crapp, Everyone should. Even Honda drivers.


mkiiSupraMan18 said:
I still say people who can't, or won't, pay the $50-$100/month bill for insurance shouldn't have the right to drive.

Werd again. It's really not a right to drive, it's a privilege, and if you can't, or won't, make the effort to abide by the rules, it only stands that you should ride the frickin bus! I get so pissed when I hear about people who drive with no insurance, then get in a wreck, and then just slide out because the responsible person, who is also the victim, happened to be carrying uninsured motorist coverage. Funny thing though, this time it came around to bite the schmuck who could have otherwise caused big problems. My life hasn't usually worked out that way, but I welcome the change in luck! This whole situation has me so fired up, I kinda want to hear from his punk@$$ so I can give him a piece of my mind before telling him that he can't have the car back just for being an idiot. If I don't hear from him, I'm calling his Mom so that she knows that her son is a punk, and maybe she'll crack down on him. What a moron. :thumbsdow


OK, well, a couple of months have gone by, and they ended up just telling me to keep the car. They paid me $200 at first and told me that they would pay me the rest that I was asking for, but then went back and said they didn't think it was worth the money to get the car back. So, I essentially got my supra for free $500 since that's what it cost me to get the crx out of impound! How's that for the lowest price you ever saw on a MKiii?!?! Anyway, if anyone's intrested in a decent little crx for a DD or a project, I'm ditching it for $2500/offer. It needs tires, and exhaust, and some TLC, but runs solid and has a good motor w/an lsd trans, and tons of mods. PM or email me if interested.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
supradupra said:
OK, well, a couple of months have gone by, and they ended up just telling me to keep the car. They paid me $200 at first and told me that they would pay me the rest that I was asking for, but then went back and said they didn't think it was worth the money to get the car back. So, I essentially got my supra for free $500 since that's what it cost me to get the crx out of impound! How's that for the lowest price you ever saw on a MKiii?!?! Anyway, if anyone's intrested in a decent little crx for a DD or a project, I'm ditching it for $2500/offer. It needs tires, and exhaust, and some TLC, but runs solid and has a good motor w/an lsd trans, and tons of mods. PM or email me if interested.

Where are you located?


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
just make sure you know the whole story, there might be other things or illegallities that happened while he was in possesion nobody has mentioned to you that you might have to pay for, always sign the title over at the license bureau


Well, I guess I just have to hope that that doesn't happen. I do have documentation that it was out of my possession during that time, and a letter from the kids parents saying that the car is now mine, so I can only hope for the best. I think, though, that in the future I will only sign over the title at the dmv. That's a very good idea.

BTW I'm in Louisville, KY.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
supradupra said:
Well, I guess I just have to hope that that doesn't happen. I do have documentation that it was out of my possession during that time, and a letter from the kids parents saying that the car is now mine, so I can only hope for the best. I think, though, that in the future I will only sign over the title at the dmv. That's a very good idea.

BTW I'm in Louisville, KY.

lol hey u coming to the Nashville meet?:biggrinbo