I have always disliked the Mac scene, but I have to tell you, my iPhone complaints are very few and far between. Mine isn't jailbroken or really messed with. I have a couple free apps, I've modified the background, sounds, and threw some MP3s on it. I haven't even messed with encoding video to watch. Overall, it fits the bill, and well. My only complaints:
#1: Text and e-mail can't be done natively in "landscape" mode.
#2: YouTube streams work well, but no other streaming is "native". Doesn't look like you can use plug-ins for the mobile Safari browser, either.
On making a mobile SM:
To tell you the truth, I've always thought that SM, was perfect - aside from the flashchat it is kept pretty minimal, but somehow retains all of the features you could want in a board of this kind. By making it a mobile site, are you REALLY making much of a difference in speed or bandwidth?
I know you want a SupraMania mobile that loads faster, with scaled down graphics and everything, but you have to admit that most "mobile" websites really suck ass.
Try Pizzahut.com mobile.
Rather than handy, they are all gimped. My advice to you: buy a better phone, browse at home, or be more patient with your current phone.