Fuel smell and Cranking issues, Blue smoke


89 Turbo!!!!
Nov 17, 2007
Streamwood, IL
I have a some problems and i hope some of the members can help me with,

First of, i smell fuel inside my car, not in the engine bay but inside my car when it's running, i have nothing leaking at all, I have new o rings installed on my injectors, no washers on all my fuel lines in the engine bay. But why m i still smelling fuel ?? It happens when i boost, it happens on a normal driving to.
Many of you know, the car was in a fire, and my fuel regulator has burn marks on it and i believe it was burned since alot of the things around it was burned.

Second, i have hard time starting my car in the morning, it takes about 4 or 5 cranks to get it start and it barely starts and shut off, What can it be ?? i would get blueish smoke come out of the exhaust while cranking. Also i have a small backfire, not sure if it's misfiring or what not, my rpm stays in one place at idle,
When i push the gas pedal to have the rpm at 1.5k it would go up and drop and go back up and down, it doesnt want to stay one place, this happens when pushing the car in first. or idle.

Third, while driving when ever i hit the gas, i feel like i m getting hit from behind by another car, i have that feeling everytime i hit the gas when i m in gear doing whatever speed. It has this weird ass jerk to it, not sure why it would do that, i dont recall doing this on my red supra i had. It feels like wired jerk, when i hit the gas pedal like someone is hitting u from behind.

Also my head is ticking, not sure why it's doing that either. I have oil, 6.5 qts of it, yea( i kinda put extra in it, i m a idiot).


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
the third issue sounds like fuel cut, does the check engine light flash when you do it? check and make sure your intake and the hose from the turbo to intercooler is on good and not cracked.

blue smoke = oil...


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
check your plugs lately? cause my car is a little hard to start now, but my plugs dont look good at all. i've replaced the turbo, but nothing changed. so im going to be doing my valve stem seals, as its being burnt in the combustion chamber, and i've done a leak down & compression tests, both came back with awesome numbers.

check your IC piping for oil. if its there, then you have excessive blow by, or its from the turbo.

head tick is either loose cam cap, or you need to reshim a valve or two...


89 Turbo!!!!
Nov 17, 2007
Streamwood, IL
Plugs are brand new, i replaced them 500 miles ago, Evap Canister is still there, not removed, fuel line that goes to the intake is fine, nothin leaking at all that i see in the engine bay, i only smell fuel inside the car, not in the engine bay, but i did smell a little fuel smell by the AFM, by the honey comb.
The car is all stock, no mods at all, i m throwing a code 22, which is a water temp sensor, which i kinda broke so i need to buy a new one.

No oil in the IC pipes at all, I also need to find out why there is a jerk, whenever i hit the gas pedal when driving,


SM Member
Sep 27, 2007
Waupun, Wisconsin
which water temp sensor is broke. If it is the one for the computer that could be causing the jerking. if it is the one for the sensor, then it would cause anything except for no readings on the dash.


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
Aeromotive has a kit to rebuild them, if yours is aeromotive :)

A leak down test will help decide whats leaking oil.