Yesterday I connected a 12 gauge ground wire from the battery - directly to the intake manifold, confirmed my TPS calibration was correct, and confirmed that my timing is at 10 degrees when jumpered. The timing increases to about 13 degress when not jumpered. I also sprayed soapy water all around my exhaust system to try and see if I had an exhaust leak. I found no bubbles, which makes sense since I used new gaskets and studs when I went single.
The damn car still breaks up at ~4800 rpm.
I still have MUCH different fuel settings than other users with 550s. I have the MKIV fuel pump, and stock regulator. I am suspicious of the fuel at this point due to what other people have shared with their settings.
My thoughts for today are:
Investigate voltage at the fuel pump, double check my resistor pack wiring for the 550s, swap out the map sensor again, and hopefully swap in a new ignitor.
any other ideas?