Fuck streetracing. My friends could be dead right now.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
RHDMK3 said:
Well I hope for your friends' speedy recovery. All they can really do at this point is chalk it up to a bad experience and hopefully learn from it?! On another note, I still firmly believe that US should get rid of it's speed limits on it freeways. Look at the Autobahn in Germany or the AutoStrada in Italy for example. They by en-large have no posted speed limits on those roads and their fatality rates are way lower then the fatality rates for US interstates. Even when Montana got ride of it's speed limit's on it's interstates the fatality rates when down. I think that Americans by en-large dont know how to drive fast though unfortunately. Plus you have all those damn advocacy groups that would cry foul if something like that were to be even considered.

What sets the autobahn apart from the american highways is its design, its made to go in large swooping curves that keep the drivers attentive, american highways put you to sleep beacuse the just go straight forever in some places.

ya they do have less fatalites but they also are EXTREMELY strict on everything else

No passing on the right lane, if your not passing you stay on the right or you get fined.
It is illegal to run out of gas on the autobahn
Illegal to use your phone, eat, or do anythign other than drive in your car
In most countries you are not allowed to drive until you are 18 and it is REALLY expensive to earn that PRIVELAGE after your extensive testing. You get a DUI you lose your license FOREVER.

The few that make it to driving have to earn it unlike here when the dumbass blonde w/ an IQ of 60 with $40 gets her license even when she doesnt know what "hydroplaning" is or where the "engine" is.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
americanjebus said:
What sets the autobahn apart from the american highways is its design, its made to go in large swooping curves that keep the drivers attentive, american highways put you to sleep beacuse the just go straight forever in some places.
idk about that.

I'm pretty sure the autbahn's road construction is better than the average US road. If something happens to the road, they shut that part down which can lead to alot of congestion on the road. I'm also not quite sure that the autobahn has anymore or less curves than US roads. idk about the freeways around you, but mine have lefts and rights all the time. These are things I remember from watching a documentary about it on tv but if someone can confirm or disprove from better or more recent knowledge then feel free.

and they do have speedlimits on the autobahn. Just not everywhere.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
The autobahn was built with a surface depth of something like 26 inches. While American highway standards are around 14 inches. This makes the surface much smoother and less prone to uneven areas due to ground underneath the road changing. It's also made of better quality pavement that actually gets the care and maintenance it needs, rather than american roads that can go months/years with tree roots cracking them from underneath, or sunken potholes that are never tended to.


New Member
Dec 3, 2006
First off streetracing is bad mmkay, but people still do it, including me.
Second off that sucks what happened to your friends and I hope they get better and all that jazz.
Third... THe autobahn used to not have speed limits, now it does almost everywhere, and those speed limits arent like 100 m.p.h., they are really really similar to american limits.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
MassSupra89: or even worse, cold patches that rise up and fall with the seasons.

Not to mention tar thickness. Youd think that especially in a state like MA, that experiences a pretty drastic swing of temperatures throughout the year, they would sit down and say "hmm... maybe when we pave the road this time, instead of laying down a 3" thick layer of tar, we should lay down 6" of it. that way, it would hold up better to the changing ground underneath, and we won't have to patch it in 8 months"

I hate Massachusetts roads. Fuck the Mass Pike and it's useless tolls... you know they don't go to maintenance.... I've driven on roads that are a thousand times better for free.


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
On my way to work yesterday I found out the bridge over the highway actually flex's where it joins the ground to the bridge. Since it's squeezed in there, where does the crammed pavement go? That's right, Up. About 4 inches, nearly sent me airborn. And how do they fix this? put 3 two foot road cones on the side of the road about 10 feet before the bridge.

I wish you'd come down here and see how they paved all the roads around me 2 years ago. Picture laying down bare rock (alittle larger than pebbles) and then layers of glue on top of it, and let the cars riding on it smooth it out until it all sticks together. I went through a set of tires on my car and got flatspots and chunks out of my new motorcycle tires in 2 weeks because of that:icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil /rant.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
1jzdreamer said:
First off streetracing is bad mmkay, but people still do it, including me.
Second off that sucks what happened to your friends and I hope they get better and all that jazz.
Third... THe autobahn used to not have speed limits, now it does almost everywhere, and those speed limits arent like 100 m.p.h., they are really really similar to american limits.

German autobahns have no general speed limit (though about 20% of the total length is subject to local and/or conditional limits), but the "recommended speed" is 130 km/h (80 mph)

Taken From


Speed limits

A hard limit is imposed on some vehicles:
60 km/h (37 mph)

* Buses carrying standing passengers (except in Switzerland)
* Motorcycles pulling trailers (in Switzerland: 80 km/h)

80 km/h (50 mph)

* Vehicles with a gross weight rating (GWR) exceeding 3.5 t (except passenger cars)
* Passenger cars and trucks with trailers
* Buses or Coaches (in Switzerland: 120 km/h)

100 km/h (62 mph)

* Vehicles with a gross weight rating (GWR) not exceeding 3.5 t pulling trailers certified for 100 km/h
* Buses or Coaches certified for 100 km/h not pulling trailers

The German autobahns are famous for being some of the few public roads in the world without blanket speed limits for cars and motorcycles. Lack of blanket speed limits does not appear to negatively impact the road safety of autobahns compared with motorways in other countries; motorways are safer than other road types. Perhaps this is due in part because traffic can be heavy enough to restrict speeds to little above the typical motorway speeds found elsewhere. Certainly, speed limits do apply at junctions and other danger points, like sections under construction or in need of repair. Speed limits at non-construction sites are generally 100 km/h (62 mph), 120 km/h (75 mph), or sometimes even 130 km/h (81 mph); construction sites have a usual speed limit of 80 km/h (50 mph) but may be as low as 60 km/h (37 mph) or even 40 km/h (25 mph). Certain stretches have separate, and lower, speed limits used in cases of wet lanes. These stretches often feature an electronic speed limit signal that utilizes monitors mounted above the roadway. For example, if weather conditions worsen on a stretch of autobahn, the monitors above the roadway may signal a temporary speed limit.

Some limits were imposed to reduce pollution and noise. Limits can also be put into place temporarily through dynamic traffic guidance systems that display the according traffic signs. If there is no speed limit, the recommended speed limit is 130 km/h (81 mph), referred to in German as the Richtgeschwindigkeit; this speed is not a binding limit, but being involved in an accident at higher speeds can lead to being deemed at least partially responsible due to "increased operating danger" (Erhöhte Betriebsgefahr). The average speed traveled on the autobahn in unregulated areas by automobiles not regulated by other laws is about 150 km/h (93 mph). On average, about three fourths of the total length of the German autobahn network has no speed limit, about one fourth has a permanent limit, and the remaining parts have a temporary limit for a number of reasons.

In places without a general limit, there are mostly also no restrictions on overtaking, except for the Rechtsfahrgebot, a rule that requires drivers to use the right lane if possible and only pass other cars on their left, except when heavy traffic does not permit this. Therefore, those traveling at high speeds may regularly encounter trucks running side-by-side at only about 80 km/h (50 mph). In theory, trucks are not allowed to overtake others unless they drive 20 km/h (12 mph) faster than whomever they are overtaking, but truck drivers are generally under pressure to arrive in time, and such laws are rarely enforced for economic and political reasons, as many trucks are from foreign countries. The right lane of a typical autobahn is often crowded with trucks, and often, trucks pull out to overtake. Due to size and speed this is often referred to as 'Elefantenrennen' (Elephant Race). In some zones with only two lanes in both directions there is no speed limit, but a special overtaking restriction for trucks and/or cars pulling trailers. (An exception is Sundays, on which trucks usually are not allowed to drive, except for trucks with perishable goods and certain other exceptions.)

Modern cars easily reach well over 200 km/h (124 mph), and most large manufacturers of luxury cars follow a gentlemen's agreement by artificially limiting the top speed of their cars to 250 km/h (155 mph) for safety reasons (inexperienced drivers and risk of tires failing, especially when underinflated). Yet, these limiters can easily be defeated, so speeds exceeding 300 km/h (186 mph) are not unheard of, although due to common speed limits and other traffic, such speeds are rarely attainable.

Vehicles unable to attain speeds in excess of 60 km/h (37 mph) are not allowed to use the autobahn. Though this limit is not high for most modern vehicles, it prevents very small cars (e.g. Quads) and motor-scooters (e.g. Mofas) from using autobahns. To comply with this limit, several heavy-duty trucks in Germany (e.g. for carrying tanks or cranes) have a design speed of 62 km/h (usually denoted by a round black-on-white sign with "62" on it).

[edit] Accident Record

The overall safety record of autobahns is comparable to other European motorways, and motorways are safer than other road types. A 2005 study by the Federal Minister of the Interior indicated that there were an equal number of accidents per kilometer on the autobahn in sections without any speed limits.


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
OneJoeZee said:
idk about that.

I'm pretty sure the autbahn's road construction is better than the average US road. If something happens to the road, they shut that part down which can lead to alot of congestion on the road. I'm also not quite sure that the autobahn has anymore or less curves than US roads. idk about the freeways around you, but mine have lefts and rights all the time. These are things I remember from watching a documentary about it on tv but if someone can confirm or disprove from better or more recent knowledge then feel free.

and they do have speedlimits on the autobahn. Just not everywhere.

he Germans Spend 3 to 5 times more Per Meter on the Autobahn then The US does on the Highway system

The concrete under the AutoBahn is Double the standard thickness of any US Highway to Stop the road from flexing and Bending due to weather conditions and Heavy Trucks.

The AutoBahn Also Does not have a Climb or Decent on it more then a 6% Grade IIRC might be 10% either way it is to make sure that people can always see what is coming up ahead. Thus giving them ample time to Slow down.


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
You know, somone did this to me a while back...only I wasn't racing them, it was about 11pm, on a major street...not many cars out...I tryed to pass them, cause they were going really slow (lowered, riced-out blue Accord), and as I sped up to pass them they swerved to cut me off...and I had to slam on my brakes, I'm lucky I didn't hit them.

Then after that, they just went back into their lane, so I just crept along behind them, because I knew if I tried to pass them, they would do the same thing again...god, some people are so damn retarded....this was at about 30-40MPH.


New Member
May 26, 2006
I get a lot of people that come speeding up on my ass in 5pm traffic and slam on there brakes and then tailgate like mfer. i just dont see the point in doing that its not getting you there any faster so I just slow down and give like 4-5 car lengths from the car in front of me, They get mad at me but it keeps them from hitting me =)


Supramania Contributor
Anyone who lives, or has driven across places like Nevada, Parts of rual California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, North and South Dakota or any of the "Less populated" larger states knows that smooth roads with very little traffic exist, and can be run all day long at 150mph with the right car.

Reality is back when Montana had the "Reasonable and prudent" speed limit, and you had a 5.00 energy fine if you were pulled over going faster than 75mph, I used to routinely cross MT at 120 to 135mph on CRUISE CONTROL. I would have gone faster, but the assholes in Motorhomes from FL were always pulling out to pass equally slow semi trucks, and I wanted a cushion to slow down and avoid them.

Seriously, it never failed that as I approached at 130mph, they would wait till the last possible moment, then swerve over and block off the lane.

Got to the point that I would not even slow down, just signal, move to the right lane, pass them on the left, and then go between the RV and Semi truck with ease... (And if it was too close, could brake to slow down in the now vacant space formerly occupied by the RV with Florida tags... )

So, now with speed limits in MT, and same here in ID, it's "regular" to deal with assholes who just move over in front of you... especially made easy if your in a powerful car like the Supra, to just acclerate, pass them on the right and thread the needle so to speak before they can close up the gap..(And you know they are trying, but can't do it :) )

Best idea? Nope, but I get so tired of this very common practice....

Illegal as hell, especially in Germany!

Tell you guys a little story... Was still on the CT26, so only making 320ish, but it was INSTANT power, especially at highway speeds...

Jackass towing his 5th wheel waits till the last moment, I'm going 83mph on CC, and he's going like 70ish along with the semi truck he's following..

Last moment, with no signal, moves over and seriously cuts me off, I can actually see this ass mirror check, see me and then laugh as he moves over... I did not even hesitate, nailed the thottle, and passed him at about 120mph, threaded the still very large hole between him and the semi trailer... He blows his horn, flips me off, and as I slowed back down to 83mph, he's gaining on me... no sign of slowing... I just clicked off the CC and matched his speed...He's flashing lights, blowing the horn, basicly being a total jackass...

At this point, we are both tooling along at nearly 100mph, posted 75mph zone, and he's towing a large 5th wheel..

V1 goes off, single beep beep, arrow forward... shit! Sounds like just over the next rise, they are instant on or POP'n cars as they pass by.. sure enough, BEEP BEEP! Forward arrow, more bars... rise is coming up.... semi truck is now about 2 miles back.. right lane is clear...

Timing has to be perfect... just about the time I can see light bars, asshole is still flashing lights, blowing horn and surely has no idea... I move over to the right, nail the brakes, drop to 80mph as fast as possible, and shit for brains can't do jack.. blows by me yelling and slightly swerves into the right lane.. (I'm well behind him at this point, so I don't care...)

Best part is he did not slow down, was likely watching his mirrors and blew past the ISP car sitting in the median just over the crest of the rise.... !

Yes! Lights on! And as I drive by at just under 80, ISP goes ape shit on the truck and trailer dude! I must say I had to give a quick beep-beep to the guy as I passed him pulled over!~! (Just before the officer was actually out of the ISP cruiser...)

Oh it does not get any better than that.

Back on street racing, find empty roads, setup spotters with radios, use codes, don't be stupid and have fun. Be safe and your fine.

Oh, and buy a good radar detector, and some kind of lidar jammer! No reason not to unless you live in a state where they have outlawed them. (Then it's a good reason to move.)


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
their car WAS an acura integra...

more thoughtful update later, i'm busy but thought i'd share the pics... details later too....



csr ma71

rooftop sniper
Apr 2, 2005
bay area
johnathan1 said:
LOL...they were messycan though...I didn't wanna get shot at.:icon_razz

If they shoot you shoot back. If you don't flash your piece, then word is going to spread out on the streets that there's a Supra that's a punk. And when that happens you'll have people stepping on you all the time, by then it'll be too late to check them before they hit you up.

But racing is about risk assessment, whether the traffic is bad, can you see, are there other people about, do I know the dips in the road, are there going to be cars pulling out on my right, that sort of deal.


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
csr ma71 said:
If they shoot you shoot back. If you don't flash your piece, then word is going to spread out on the streets that there's a Supra that's a punk. And when that happens you'll have people stepping on you all the time, by then it'll be too late to check them before they hit you up.

Jesus...lol...where have I been??? Oh, a nd this happened like 6 months ago, and it hasn't happened again...so I think I'm okay.

LOL...I WASN'T trying to race them, I was just trying to pass this guy, but I guess he didn't want to let me for some reason...I guess I'm just too white for SoCal...LOL.:biglaugh:


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
i hate when assholes pull out in front of you just to block you and slow down. it happened to me yesterday, around a downhill turn by exit 44 on the merritt parkway in CT, im doing 65-70 and some asshole pulls out in front of me doing 45 on the highway. if i had been going any faster, i would not be typing this right now, i would be dead. if you are that concerned about people speeding, then get the state to get more police on the roads.

the only thing that pisses me off more than that is when you are cruising at 70-80 in a 55 and some asshole tries to pass you on the right, in most cases on a 2 lane highway and only to cut you off and brake.