Anyone who lives, or has driven across places like Nevada, Parts of rual California, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, North and South Dakota or any of the "Less populated" larger states knows that smooth roads with very little traffic exist, and can be run all day long at 150mph with the right car.
Reality is back when Montana had the "Reasonable and prudent" speed limit, and you had a 5.00 energy fine if you were pulled over going faster than 75mph, I used to routinely cross MT at 120 to 135mph on CRUISE CONTROL. I would have gone faster, but the assholes in Motorhomes from FL were always pulling out to pass equally slow semi trucks, and I wanted a cushion to slow down and avoid them.
Seriously, it never failed that as I approached at 130mph, they would wait till the last possible moment, then swerve over and block off the lane.
Got to the point that I would not even slow down, just signal, move to the right lane, pass them on the left, and then go between the RV and Semi truck with ease... (And if it was too close, could brake to slow down in the now vacant space formerly occupied by the RV with Florida tags... )
So, now with speed limits in MT, and same here in ID, it's "regular" to deal with assholes who just move over in front of you... especially made easy if your in a powerful car like the Supra, to just acclerate, pass them on the right and thread the needle so to speak before they can close up the gap..(And you know they are trying, but can't do it

Best idea? Nope, but I get so tired of this very common practice....
Illegal as hell, especially in Germany!
Tell you guys a little story... Was still on the CT26, so only making 320ish, but it was INSTANT power, especially at highway speeds...
Jackass towing his 5th wheel waits till the last moment, I'm going 83mph on CC, and he's going like 70ish along with the semi truck he's following..
Last moment, with no signal, moves over and seriously cuts me off, I can actually see this ass mirror check, see me and then laugh as he moves over... I did not even hesitate, nailed the thottle, and passed him at about 120mph, threaded the still very large hole between him and the semi trailer... He blows his horn, flips me off, and as I slowed back down to 83mph, he's gaining on me... no sign of slowing... I just clicked off the CC and matched his speed...He's flashing lights, blowing the horn, basicly being a total jackass...
At this point, we are both tooling along at nearly 100mph, posted 75mph zone, and he's towing a large 5th wheel..
V1 goes off, single beep beep, arrow forward... shit! Sounds like just over the next rise, they are instant on or POP'n cars as they pass by.. sure enough, BEEP BEEP! Forward arrow, more bars... rise is coming up.... semi truck is now about 2 miles back.. right lane is clear...
Timing has to be perfect... just about the time I can see light bars, asshole is still flashing lights, blowing horn and surely has no idea... I move over to the right, nail the brakes, drop to 80mph as fast as possible, and shit for brains can't do jack.. blows by me yelling and slightly swerves into the right lane.. (I'm well behind him at this point, so I don't care...)
Best part is he did not slow down, was likely watching his mirrors and blew past the ISP car sitting in the median just over the crest of the rise.... !
Yes! Lights on! And as I drive by at just under 80, ISP goes ape shit on the truck and trailer dude! I must say I had to give a quick beep-beep to the guy as I passed him pulled over!~! (Just before the officer was actually out of the ISP cruiser...)
Oh it does not get any better than that.
Back on street racing, find empty roads, setup spotters with radios, use codes, don't be stupid and have fun. Be safe and your fine.
Oh, and buy a good radar detector, and some kind of lidar jammer! No reason not to unless you live in a state where they have outlawed them. (Then it's a good reason to move.)